[Rwanda Forum] HervéTV n°376 : discussion autour du génocide rwandais

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Debat interessant!

Chapeau bas a P. Mbeko!
Yahabaye intwari, seul contre tous.

Pour plus d'equilibre d'opinions, uriya munyamakuru yagombye kuba yaratumiye aussi deux ecrivains hutu (rwandais et burundais), batavuga rumwe na FPR.


"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

[Rwanda Forum] André Flahaut : « on dirait vraiment que dans ce monde, Israël et le Rwanda peuvent faire ce qu’ils veulent, au mépris des décisions de l’ONU »

Massacres de civils, violation de la souveraineté et de l'intégrité territoriale de la RDC, pillage de ressources naturelles… Le Rwanda, à l'instar d'Israël à Gaza, poursuit son agression sous le silence de la communauté internationale, particulièrement l'Union européenne. Une attitude condamnée mardi devant la Chambre des représentants de la Belgique par André Flahaut, qui a exigé à nouveau des sanctions contre le pays de Paul Kagame.


"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

[Rwanda Forum] Does the CIA Run America? | The Epoch Times

Does the CIA Run America? | The Epoch Times

Does the CIA Run America?

Does the CIA Run America?MyImages - Micha/Shutterstock)


We've all surely had dark thoughts that the CIA is really running the United States, including many media venues. Maybe that's been true for decades and we just didn't know it. If so, let's just say that it would explain a tremendous amount of what has otherwise been clouded in secrecy.

How would this be possible? Knowledge is power while secret knowledge is full control. Even fake knowledge means power and control, such as we found out in the phony Russiagate investigation early in Trump's term. They hounded the new administration for years under a completely fake scenario in which Russia somehow got Donald Trump elected.

Yes, that was an intelligence operation all along, one directly designed to overthrow an election, a "color revolution" on our own soil.

How dare an agency not elected by the people, and evading oversight and public accountability, put itself ahead of the Constitution and the rule of law? It's been going on for many decades as the agencies have gained ever more power, even to the point of forcing a full lockdown of America and even the world under false pretense.

None of this is verifiable precisely because of the secrecy involved. It's not as if the intelligence community is going to send out a press release: "Democracy in America is an illusion. We know because we control nearly everything, plus we aspire to control even more."

The incredulous among us will shoot back: look at what you are saying! Your conspiracy theory is non-falsifiable. The less evidence you have for it, the more you believe it. How in the world can we argue with you? Your position is not really plausible but there is nothing we can do to convince you otherwise.

Let's grant the point. Still, let's not dismiss the theory completely. Based on a New York Times (NYT) piece that appeared last week, it contains more than a grain of truth. The article is titled: "Campaign Puts Trump and the Spy Agencies on a Collision Course."

Quote: "Even as president, Donald J. Trump flaunted his animosity for intelligence officials, portraying them as part of a politicized 'deep state' out to get him. And since he left office, that distrust has grown into outright hostility, with potentially serious implications for national security should he be elected again."

Ok, let's be clear. If the intelligence community led by the CIA is not the "deep state," what is?

Further, it is proven many times over that the Deep State is in fact out to get him. This is not even controversial. Indeed, there is no reason for these journalists to write the above as if Donald Trump is somehow consumed by some kind of baseless paranoia.

Let's keep going here: "Trump is now on a possible collision course with the intelligence community .... The result is a complicated and possibly destabilizing situation the United States has never seen before: deep-seated suspicion and disdain on the part of a former and perhaps future president toward the very people he would be relying on for the most sensitive information he would need to perform his role if elected again."

Wait just a moment. You are telling us that all previous presidents have had a happy relationship with the CIA? That's rather interesting to know. And deeply troubling too, since the CIA has been managing regime change the world over for a very long time, and is now directly involved in U.S. politics at the most intimate level.

Any president worth his salt should absolutely have a hostile relationship with such an agency, if only to establish clear civilian control over the government, without which it's not possible to say that we live in a Constitutional republic.

And now, according to the NYT, we have one seeking the Presidency who does not defer to the agency and that this is destabilizing and deeply problematic. Who does that suggest really rules this country?

Is the NYT itself guilty of the most extreme conspiracy theory imaginable, or is it just stating facts as we know them? I'm going to guess that it is the latter. In this case, every single American should be deeply alarmed.

Crazy huh? As for the phrase "never seen before," we have to push back. What about George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, James Polk, and Calvin Coolidge? They were all previous presidents, according to the history books that people once read.

There was no CIA back then. If you doubt this, I'm pretty sure that your favorite AI engine will confirm it.

One must suppose that when the NYT says "never seen before," it means in the post-war period. And that very well might be true. John F. Kennedy defied them. We know that for certain. The mysteries surrounding his murder won't be solved fully until we get the documents. But the consensus is growing that this murder was really a coup by the CIA, a message sent as a lesson to every successor in that office.

Think of that: we live in a country today where most people readily admit that the CIA probably killed the president. Amazing.

It's intriguing to know at this late date that the Watergate "scandal" was not what it appeared to be, namely an intrepid media holding government to account. Even astute observers at the time believed the mainstream narrative. Now we have plenty of evidence that this too was nothing but a deep state attack on a president who had lost patience with it and provoked another coup.

All credit to my brilliant father who speculated along these lines at the time. I was very young with only the vaguest clue about what was happening. But I recall very well that he was convinced that Richard Nixon was set up in a trap and unfairly hounded out of office not for the bad things he was doing but for standing up to the Deep State.

If my own father, not a particularly political person, knew this for certain at the time, this must have been a strong perception even then.

You hear the rap that these agencies—the CIA is one but there are many adjacent others—are not allowed by law to intervene in domestic politics. At this point and after so much experience, this comes across to me like something of a joke. We know from vast evidence and personal testimony that the CIA has been manipulating political figures, narratives, and outcomes for a very long time.

How involved is the CIA in journalism today? Well, as a traditionally liberal paper, you might suppose that the NYT itself would be highly skeptical of the CIA. But these days, they have published a long string of aggressively defensive articles with titles like "It Turns Out that the Deep State Is Awesome" and "Government Surveillance Keeps Us Safe." We can add this last piece to the list.

So let's just say it: the NYT is CIA. So too is Mother Jones, Rolling Stone, Slate, Salon, and many other mainstream publications, including major tech companies like Google and Microsoft. The tentacles are everywhere and ever more obvious. Operation Mockingbird was just the beginning. The network is everywhere and the practice of manipulating the news is wholly normalized.

Once you start developing the ability to see the markings, you simply cannot unsee them, which is why people who think and write about this can come across as crackpot crazy after a while.

Have you considered that maybe the crackpots are exactly right? If so, shouldn't we, at bare minimum, seek to support a Presidential candidate with a hostile relationship to the intelligence community?

Indeed, that ought to be a bare minimum standard of qualification. There is simply no way we can restore civilian control of government and constitutional government until this agency can be thoroughly reigned in or abolished completely.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.




"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

[Rwanda Forum] RDC-Rwanda-Vatican: Justice pour le Cardinal Ambongo mais impunité pour son complice Cardinal Kambanda.

Triples i et votre Hutu de Sv petit-fils Ngurube,

Encore une occasion pour que les naïfs Bantou apprennent qu'un nilo-hamite Tutsi n'a point d'ami Bantou car il ne voit en lui qu un sous-être à utiliser et à manipuler.
Voici un Cardinal congolais qui se croyait frère jumeau d'un autre Cardinal Tutsi rwandais et tous les deux confidents du Pape, qui a consenti à trahir son pays en appelant dans ses prêches les forces vives à désobéir et à  rejoindre les rangs de l'ennemi qui agresse la RDC à l'Est, croyant être protégé et par le Vatican et par le Rwanda de son frère jumeau Antoine Kambanda enfant de chœur et ancien combattant au FPR de Paul Kagame.
Mais la Justice de la RDC va lui demander des comptes tandis que son commanditaire le Cardinal Tutsi Kambanda jouira toujours de l'impunité jusqu'à ce qu'il soit élu Pape en remplacement de l'argentin François:.
Déetails dans Document en attaché.

[Rwanda Forum] Kagame ari muri Arabie Soudite agiye kuvuga ubusa.

Kagame ari muri Arabie Soudite agiye kuvuga ubusa.


Ntabwo muzi uko Kagame ateye. Ashimishwa no kwicara iruhande rw'umuzungu cyangwa umwarabu kuko niwe ufite amafranga. Aramukeneye. Niyo mpamvu  kujya mu  minsi mikuru yo kwizihiza independence ya Tanzania ntacyo bimubwiye.

Abatutsi  bazi guhakwa no guhaka.  Kandi uwo niwo muco badutoje.  Biriya ahoramo mu mahanga ni ubuhake.

Kagame ahagarariye igihugu kiri mu bya nyuma ku isi kuri byose ariko  iyo ari muri zo nama mpuza mahanga yiyereka nkuhagarariye igihugu gikomeye.  Kandi akavuga  ibibazo bya Afurika cyangwa se iby'isi yose.  Iyo ariwe mwirabura wenyine uri muri ayo nama ibyo bimuhesha ishema. Niyo mpamvu nta nama imucika.

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[Rwanda Forum] Re: Re : Afrique du Sud: Plus Jamais d'Apartheid, Vive la Démocratie; Rwanda: Plus jamais de Démocratie, Vive l'Apartheid!

Triple i;
Comme toujours venant de votre part, c'est du n'importe quoi!
Les Iny-Ink-Inz. pensent bêtement que le vénéré Grand Homme d'état et Démocrate humaniste convaincu que fut le Général Juvénal Habyarimana, s'adonnait à la bassesse et aux agissements puérils et inhumains comme s'y adonne le gringalet avorton ancien enfant de rue de Kampala, le maudit Pol Kagame depuis que les ennemis du peuple rwandais l'ont placé sur le trône du Rwanda voici 30 ans: distribuer comme des petits pains partout où il passe à travers le Monde ses sœurs , ses cousines, ses tantes Tutsi-kazi...à marier aux hommes non avisés au pouvoir dans ces pays. Echantillon : Centrafrique, C_Brazza, Angola, Zambie, Afrique du Sud, Mozambique, Emirats du Golfe, tous les pays de l'UE, aux USA et Canada etc...Tout cela dans l'espoir de trouver protection dans ces pays " Beaux-frères des Tutsi" comme ils les appelle. HonteuxEmoji

Le samedi 27 avril 2024 à 15:47:05 UTC+2, Jerome Ndiho <jeronimo2408@yahoo.com> a écrit :

Ceci expliquerait-il celà?

Le ven., avr. 26 2024 à 8:42 a.m., Zac Biampa
<zac.biampa@yahoo.fr> a écrit :
Honte aux Triples i ( Iny-Ink-Inz) ainsi qu'à leurs H de Sv du genre petit-fils NgurubeEmoji

Paradoxe et cynisme! Le Monde commémore et célèbre 30 ans depuis que l'Apartheid a été banni dans un grand et riche pays l'Afrique du Sud pour y installer la Démocratie. Mais en même temps ce Monde célèbre les 30 ans du bannissement de la Démocratie dans un minuscule et pauvre pays surpeuplé le Rwanda, pour y installer l'Apartheid encore plus odieux que celui banni en Afrique du Sud . ����

[Rwanda Forum] RDC-Rwanda. Différence: deux statures, deux styles et deux comportements au sommet de ces états!

[Rwanda Forum] Royaume-Uni - Rwanda : la loi de la honte

Royaume-Uni - Rwanda : la loi de la honte.


"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

[Rwanda Forum] Macron criticises Rwanda-style asylum schemes days after UK passes bill | Europe | The Guardian

Macron criticises Rwanda-style asylum schemes days after UK passes bill | Europe | The Guardian
Macron criticises Rwanda-style asylum schemes days after UK passes bill | Europe | The Guardian

Macron criticises Rwanda-style asylum schemes days after UK passes bill

Such policies are 'betrayal' of values, says French president in speech covering defence and negative effects of Brexit

Emmanuel Macron speaking at La Sorbonne with the EU flag behind.

Emmanuel Macron has criticised migration policies that involve sending people to African countries as "a betrayal of our [European] values", just days after the UK government passed its Rwanda deportation bill.

The French president made the remarks in a wide-ranging speech on Thursday aimed at warning Europe against overdependence on other countries for security and trade.

Turning to migration, he said he did not believe in "this model that some people want to put in place, which means that you go and look for a third country, for example in Africa, and send our immigrants there".

He added: "This is a betrayal of our values and will lead us down the path of new dependencies on third countries."

Macron did not mention Rishi Sunak's Rwanda plan directly, but did not hold back in giving his views on Brexit. Britain's departure from the EU was "an explosion whose negative effects, from what I can tell, have meant that today nobody dares to propose exits, neither from the Europe, nor from the euro".

He also described the British as "natural allies" of France and the EU, saying defence treaties, such as the Lancaster House agreements signed in 2010 with the UK, left "a solid foundation for partnerships" that had not been affected by Brexit.

Delivered in a neoclassical amphitheatre at the Sorbonne University in Paris, the speech focused heavily on defence, as Macron urged European leaders to respond to the "paradigm shift" of the invasion of Ukraine by a nuclear-armed Russia.

"The basic condition for our security is for Russia not to win," he said. "Europe needs to be able to protect what is dear to it alongside its allies … Do we need to have an anti-missile shield or anti-missile system? Maybe."

"When we have a neighbouring country that has become aggressive and seems to have no limits and that has ballistic missiles [and has] been innovating a lot when it comes to the technology and the range of these missiles, we see that we absolutely have to set up this strategic concept of credible defence."

Macron called for cooperation between European armies, "regional European defence frameworks" in the Mediterranean and Arctic, as well as a European military academy.

Europe could not be "a vassal" of the US and had to "show that it knows how to talk to all the other regions of the world", he added.

The speech was billed as a follow-up to one Macron gave at the Sorbonne in 2017, only months after he was first elected French president on a staunchly pro-European centrist platform. Then a new EU leader, Macron said Europe had become "too slow, too weak and too ineffective" and argued for a more "sovereign Europe", including a joint defence budget, common border controls and common industrial programmes to support green technology.

Now speaking as one of Europe's most powerful decision-makers, but whose influence could wane with the declining poll ratings of his centrist group, Macron argued that the "European sovereignty agenda" laid out in 2017 had been widely implemented, but threats to Europe's place in the world had become more acute. "Europe is mortal, it can die and this only depends on our choices," he said.

French officials framed the speech as Macron's contribution to the debate on the future of Europe, ahead of European elections in June and the appointment of new leaders at the helm of the EU institutions.

Referring to the US-China rivalry, Iran's nuclear ambitions and Russia's aggression, Macron spoke of an "acceleration in the world" to which the EU was failing to respond adequately. "Europe is in a situation of being cornered on all its borders and we are reacting too slowly," Macron said.

After the speech, Olaf Scholz, the German chancellor, tweeted: "France and Germany both want Europe to remain strong. Your speech offers good ideas for achieving this, @EmmanuelMacron. Together we will make progress in the EU: politically and economically. For a self-assured and innovative EU. Vive l'Europe!"

His quick response contrasts with Angela Merkel's silence following Macron's previous Sorbonne speech, which was widely seen as showing a lack of enthusiasm for his ideas.

The speech covered familiar French themes, including the importance of nuclear power in Europe's low-carbon energy mix, a less "naive" trade policy to ensure European producers were not undercut, as well as boosting production of leading-edge technology, such as AI, and of arms inside Europe.

Criticising past decisions, Macron said: "We had delegated our energy to Russia; our security, for several of our European partners, depended on the [United] States; and trade was given over to China. And now we have to get things back."

Additional reporting by Deborah Cole in Berlin

"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

[Rwanda Forum] Umwongereza James Cleverly abaye uwa 3 mu kumena ibanga ryo gukuraho gakondo y'Abanyarwanda

Umwongereza James Cleverly abaye uwa 3 mu kumena ibanga ryo gukuraho gakondo y'Abanyarwanda

"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

[Rwanda Forum] Rwanda needs migrants because of the genocide, says James Cleverly

Rwanda needs migrants because of the genocide, says James Cleverly

"For a country of a fairly modest population, it lost a very significant number of its people.

"So Rwanda – I may be a bit clunky with my phraseology – Rwanda is slightly underpopulated and there is definitely capacity for the individuals who are being relocated to Rwanda to be financially much more better off than they would be in their country of origin but also for Rwanda as a nation to be economically much more better off," he said.

"It's a genuine mutual benefit. The people they will be accepting into their society will help their economy grow.

"We see this as being a three-way benefit. It helps the UK manage a real challenge with regards to criminally facilitated illegal immigration, it helps the individuals who are seeking a safe and prosperous life to have a safe and prosperous life, and it helps Rwanda to grow its economy and be the modern society that they are aspiring to become."


Rwanda needs migrants because of the genocide, says Home Secretary

James Cleverly claims those deported to the African country will be 'financially much better off'

James Cleverly said the scheme was beneficially to all parties, the UK, Rwanda and the migrants

Rwanda is "slightly underpopulated" because of the genocide it suffered 20 years ago and its economy will benefit from the migrants that are due to be sent from Britain, the Home Secretary has said.

James Cleverly is on a two-day visit to Italy and is due to travel on Wednesday to the island of Lampedusa, which has received hundreds of thousands of refugees and migrants who cross in boats from the coast of North Africa.

The Government has the green light to start flying migrants to the central African country after the Safety of Rwanda Bill was passed by Parliament.

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At an event in Rome, Mr Cleverly was asked why the Rwandan government had agreed to take asylum seekers from the UK.

He said that apart from the "transfer of funds" – the millions of pounds that Britain will give to Rwanda – the country's economy was in need of migrant labour because of the brutal genocide it endured in 1994, when members of the Tutsi ethnic group were massacred by Hutu militias.

It is estimated that more than 800,000 people – mostly Tutsi but also moderate Hutu – were murdered during the genocide.

"For a country of a fairly modest population, it lost a very significant number of its people.

"So Rwanda – I may be a bit clunky with my phraseology – Rwanda is slightly underpopulated and there is definitely capacity for the individuals who are being relocated to Rwanda to be financially much more better off than they would be in their country of origin but also for Rwanda as a nation to be economically much more better off," he said.

"It's a genuine mutual benefit. The people they will be accepting into their society will help their economy grow.

"We see this as being a three-way benefit. It helps the UK manage a real challenge with regards to criminally facilitated illegal immigration, it helps the individuals who are seeking a safe and prosperous life to have a safe and prosperous life, and it helps Rwanda to grow its economy and be the modern society that they are aspiring to become."

It came as the Archbishop of Canterbury accused MPs of "unjustly maligning" churches for helping refugees.

In a joint statement with leaders of the Roman Catholic, Methodist, Baptist and United Reformed Churches, the Most Rev Justin Welby said they continued to have "deep misgivings" about the Rwanda plan and the precedent it set in how the UK treated the most vulnerable.

They also hit back at attacks on the Churches for "deliberately facilitating false asylum claims" in the wake of the disclosure that the Clapham chemical attacker was granted the right to remain in the UK after clergy supported his Christian conversion claims.

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby delivers his sermon as he leads the Easter Sung Eucharist at Canterbury Cathedral in Kent
Most Rev Justin Welby and other religious leaders continue to have 'deep misgivings' about the Rwanda Bill Credit: ANDREW MATTHEWS/PA

Pointing the finger at former Home Office ministers, MPs and other commentators, they said: "We are disappointed that the kindness and support offered by churches and charities to the people at the heart of this debate – those fleeing war, persecution and violence trying to find a place of safety – has been unjustly maligned by some for political reasons."

Rishi Sunak has been threatened with legal action by two civil service unions over the Rwanda scheme.

The FDA, a union representing senior civil servants, is expected to convene its executive committee next Monday.

The union is likely to launch a judicial review the following day, arguing that ministers' new power to disregard interim ECHR rulings would mean telling civil servants to break international law.

Paul O'Connor, the senior national officer for the Public and Commercial Services Union, said it was considering legal action over the Rwanda policy. "It's our members who will have to put this unethical, inhumane and impractical policy into practice, which is why we've opposed this from day one and shall continue to do so by keeping our options open in considering a legal challenge," he said.

Michael O'Flaherty, the Council of Europe's commissioner for Human Rights, who oversees the ECHR, said Mr Sunak should rethink the Rwanda scheme because of the risk it posed to human rights and rule of law.

"The adoption of the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill by the UK Parliament raises major issues about the human rights of asylum seekers and the rule of law more generally," he said.

"The UK Government should refrain from removing people under the Rwanda policy and reverse the Bill's effective infringement of judicial independence."

"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

[Rwanda Forum] Afrique du Sud: Plus Jamais d'Apartheid, Vive la Démocratie; Rwanda: Plus jamais de Démocratie, Vive l'Apartheid!

Honte aux Triples i ( Iny-Ink-Inz) ainsi qu'à leurs H de Sv du genre petit-fils NgurubeEmoji

Paradoxe et cynisme! Le Monde commémore et célèbre 30 ans depuis que l'Apartheid a été banni dans un grand et riche pays l'Afrique du Sud pour y installer la Démocratie. Mais en même temps ce Monde célèbre les 30 ans du bannissement de la Démocratie dans un minuscule et pauvre pays surpeuplé le Rwanda, pour y installer l'Apartheid encore plus odieux que celui banni en Afrique du Sud . ����

[Rwanda Forum] Lu pour vous. Version polyglotte.

Triples i,
Pour les idiots utiles aux Iny-Ink et autres Inkandagira-Molière natifs de Nakivale.
Version kinyankole et english petit-nègre approximatif  des rues de Kampala les seuls que peut lire et comprendre le Kaaga..., en préparation!



"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

[Rwanda Forum] Shameless Kagame is exploiting Western guilt to pursue his own imperialism

Shameless Kagame is exploiting Western guilt to pursue his own imperialism https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2025/03/20/shameless-kagame-expl...

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