[Rwanda Forum] Re: [rwandanet] La Maserati Quattroporte accidenté le samedi 21 août 2021 près de ‘t Schiptje, Veurnekeiweg 5 à 8670 Coxyde (Koksijde) avec à son bord Timothy Serpieters ​(16.09.1985 - 21.08.2021) et sa copine Nicky Quarteer (39)

Mon cher Nikozitambirwa,

La Masareti n'etait pas sur  AUTOBAHN!!!

Fast cars to nowhre!


John and Tracy  make me believe!  JUST IMAGINE, NTHING TO DIE OR KILL FOR (not in Kabur or Cabo del Gato!)

And  right from   Zimbabwe!

...... and dear Nikozitambirwa, my way or the brotherhood of man way ....let's make the world .... just a little bit better than we found it!

I believe you, I believe in YOU!

On Friday, August 27, 2021, 02:35:26 a.m. EDT, 'Ildephonse MURAYI-HABIMANA' via rwandanet <rwandanet@googlegroups.com> wrote:

Tu trouveras en pièces jointes quelques informations complémentaires (dans la langue de Vondel) concernant la Maserati accidenté le samedi  21 août 2021 près de 't Schiptje, Veurnekeiweg 5 à 8670 Coxyde (Koksijde) avec à son bord Timothy Serpieters ​(16.09.1985 - 21.08.2021) et sa copine Nicky Quarteer (39).
1. La Maserati Quattroporte de Timothy Serpieters n'était pas n'importe quelle voiture. Elle lui a coûté 150.000 euros. Il l'a achetée il y a 7 ans. Elle pouvait atteindre une vitesse de 250 km/heure.
2. La passagère de la Maserati Quattroporte, Nicky Quarteer, âgée de 39 ans, est originaire de Merksem-lès-Antwerpen. Ils étaient ensemble depuis un mois. Timothy Serpieters venait de mettre fin à une relation de 14 ans avec une autre femme.
3. Le soir de l'accident, ce samedi 21 août 2021, Timothy Serpieters, qui habitait Oostduinkerke, était invité chez un de ses travailleurs qui habite Nieuwpoort. Il a démarré en trombe de son domicile d'Oostduinkerke et s'est rendu à Furnes (Veurne) pour y récupérer sa copine Nicky Quarteer (39). Celle-ci résidait toujours à Veurne où elle s'occupait de sa fille handicapée âgée de 20 ans. Ils sont repartis ensemble de Veurne en direction de Nieuwpoort jusqu'à l'accident fatal survenu vers 20h50 près du restaurant  't Schiptje, Veurnekeiweg 5 à 8670 Coxyde (Koksijde) .
4. Deborah Serpieters et son époux Bjorn Christiaen revenaient d'Espagne lorsqu'ils ont appris la triste nouvelle.
Ngibyo nguko.
Ibindi ubundi.
Nicky Quarteer (39) la copine de Timothy Serpieters est toujours aux soins intensifs mais son état est stable.
Sa maman Yvette est raisonnablement positive, mais, dit-elle, il y a un long chemin à faire.
Grâce à Dieu, elle pourra s'en sortir.
Touchons du bois !
Paix à l'âme de Franz DUBOIS (15.08.1946 - 15.08.2021), de Nathalie MAILLET (11.05.1970 - 14.08.2021), d"Ann Lawrence Y. DURVIAUX (13.08.1968 - 15.08.2021) et de
(16.09.1985 - 21.08.2021)
(16.09.1985 - 21.08.2021)
VEURNE / Verkeersongeval
De toestand van de 39-jarige Nicky Quarteer uit Veurne, de vriendin van de zaterdag verongelukte bouwaannemer Timothy Serpieters is intussen stabiel. "We zijn voorzichtig positief maar er is nog een lange weg te gaan", zegt haar mama Yvette. Op de plek van het ongeval stoppen intussen tal van mensen om hun verdriet te verwerken. De begrafenis van Timothy vindt nu vrijdag plaats.
(16.09.1985 - 21.08.2021)
(16.09.1985 - 21.08.2021)
Op de plek van het ongeval langs de Veurnekeiweg worden bloemen en kaarsen geplaatst om de overleden Timothy Serpieters te herdenken. © JH
Redactie KW
23 augustus 2021, 16:33
De toestand van de 39-jarige Nicky Quarteer uit Veurne, de vriendin van de zaterdag verongelukte bouwaannemer Timothy Serpieters is intussen stabiel. "We zijn voorzichtig positief maar er is nog een lange weg te gaan", zegt haar mama Yvette. Op de plek van het ongeval stoppen intussen tal van mensen om hun verdriet te verwerken. De begrafenis van Timothy vindt nu vrijdag plaats.

Lieve zoon, broer, nonkel, petje titi, vriend
Met enorme werklust ging je door het leven.
Je zat vol van ambitie en je streefde je droom na,
je eigen bedrijf Stibouw.
Jouw behulpzaamheid, gedrevenheid
zullen ons blijven inspireren
en de herinnering aan jou levendig houden.
We zullen je ongelofelijk hard missen.
The most beautiful star in the sky

Totaal onverwacht uit ons leven weggerukt.
Timothy Serpieters
(16.09.1985 - 21.08.2021)
Veurne, 16 september 1985 - Koksijde, 21 augustus 2021
Oprichter van Stibouw
Zoon van Gino Serpieters & Annie Feys
Broer van Deborah Serpieters en Bjorn Christiaen
Nonkel van 
Marie &
Ernest, zijn petekind
Kleinzoon van † Julien Serpieters en † Yvonne D'Hondt
† Henri Feys en † Lucienne Loncke
Vriend van Nicky Quarteer
Petekind van 
† Henri Feys
Nicole Knockaert 
De uitvaartplechtigheid zal plaatsvinden in de Sint-Walburgakerk in Veurne op vrijdag 27 augustus 2021 om 10 uur.
Na de uitvaart volgt de begrafenis in een grafkelder op de begraafplaats van Veurne in intieme kring.
Wie wenst kan de uitvaart via de livestream meevolgen via het online rouwregister op: www.cornelisuitvaartzorg.be
Voor een laatste groet aan Timothy bent u tot en met donderdag van 15 tot 18.30 uur welkom in het
Uitvaartcentrum Cornelis, 
Sint-Idesbaldusstraat 43 
te Veurne.
Een warme dankjewel aan het team van Stibouw, zijn trouwe vrienden en iedereen die hem dierbaar was.
8630 Veurne, Feyslaan 16
8630 Veurne, Zannekinlaan 34
8660 Adinkerke, Veldstraat 26
Uitvaartcentrum Cornelis, Diksmuide & Veurne-Westkust
(16.09.1985 - 21.08.2021)
(16.09.1985 - 21.08.2021)
Timothy Serpieters. Geboren te Veurne op 16 / 09 / 1985 Overleden te Koksijde op 21 / 08 / 2021. Laatste groet mogelijk in: Uitvaartcentrum Veurne
(16.09.1985 - 21.08.2021)
(16.09.1985 - 21.08.2021)
Burya ingorane zibaho.
Ziba nyinshi muri iyi si.
Buri muntu akamenya ize.
Kuko ari zo ziba zimubabaje.
« L'homme, à mon avis, se perfectionne par la confiance. Par la confiance seulement. Jamais le contraire. » ― [Mustafaj] 
Abatabizi bicwa no kutabimenya.


Ibindi ubundi.
Accident de circulation survenu à Coxyde (Koksijde) vers 20h50 le samedi 21 août 2021 non loin du restaurant 't Schiptje, Veurnekeiweg 5 à 8670 Coxyde (Koksijde) en Belgique. Dans la nuit de samedi 21 à dimanche 22 août 2021, un terrible accident de la...
Ibindi ubundi.

Maserati : algorithmes intempestifs de Murayi-Habimana Ildephonse

Accident de circulation survenu à Coxyde (Koksijde) vers 20h50 le samedi 21 août 2021 non loin du restaurant 't Schiptje, Veurnekeiweg 5 à 8670 Coxyde (Koksijde) en Belgique. Dans la nuit de samedi 21 à dimanche 22 août 2021, un terrible accident de la route s'est produit à Wulpen (Coxyde). Une Maserati s'est violemment écrasée contre

« L'homme, à mon avis, se perfectionne par la confiance. Par la confiance seulement. Jamais le contraire. » ― [Mustafaj]
Abatabizi bicwa no kutabimenya. 
Algorithmes intempestifs de Murayi-Habimana Ildephonse
Timothy Serpieters (35) est décédé sur le coup ce samedi 21 août 2021 à Coxyde. Paix à son âme.
Nikky Q. a été emmenée à l'hôpital dans un état critique.
La Maserati ne leur a laissé aucune chance.
Deborah Serpieters est sous le choc.

Algorithmes intempestifs de Murayi-Habimana Ildephonse
Mazarati Bosco (enseignant D4 formé à Musanze par les Frères des Ecoles Chrétiennes), Bondynois, de Bonde, Gisenyi, Rubavu, Gisenyi, au Rwanda, victime du génocide de 1994, a été tué chez son beau-fils, le Dr Murayire de Gikongoro, époux d'Olive (c'est moi-même Habimana wa Murayi, Bourgmestre de la commune Rubavu, qui les ai mariés civilement), fille aînée de Mazarati Bosco et de Mukarutakwa Goretti. Outre sa fille aînée Olive, Mazarati Bosco (paix à son âme) était le papa de Mazarati Jean Baptiste dit Bakame, Père jésuite défroqué, de Bolingo, de Fabiola, de Thatcher, et de Pygmée Rusekabigwari, inyemeramihigo, tous Bondynois. Mukarutakwa Gorettiresponsable de la cellule Bonde (depuis le décès inopiné de Stanislas Murayi Gatabazi le 11 septembre 1984) est par la suite décédée (de mort naturelle) quelques années après le génocide des Batutsi de 1994. Aux dernières nouvelles, le Père jésuite défroqué Mazarati Jean Baptiste vit à Kigali, le Dr. Murayire est mort en prison (accusé à tort d'avoir fait assassiner son beau-père Mazarati Bosco, un homme de bien, qui était en visite chez lui à Gikongoro en avril 1994). 
Burya ingorane zibaho.
Ziba nyinshi muri iyi si.
Buri muntu akamenya ize.
Kuko ari zo ziba zimubabaje.
« L'homme, à mon avis, se perfectionne par la confiance. Par la confiance seulement. Jamais le contraire. » ― [Mustafaj] 
Abatabizi bicwa no kutabimenya.


IM Habimana

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[Rwanda Forum] Affaire Lurquin ou Rusesabagina?

Bonsoir Rugura,
J'étais dans cette conférence de presse de ton homonyme Vincent qui a été plus chanceux que son confrère  Peter Erlinder en étant expulsé de mu rwa Gasabo sans passer par la case 1930 et l'uniforme rose. A noter quand même la maîtrise de la langue en vogue chez Kaaga( et la seule qu'il peut baragouiner)... par la tribue Rusesabagina en plus de celles des " Abashenzi" selon les Iny-Ink que sont le Kinyarwanda et le Français! A méditer .

Re: [Rwanda Forum] Re: Rwandan president takes furious aim at Arsenal after Brentford loss

Inkotanyi n'ibinyamakuru byazo bati bati Perezida Habyarima inzu ye  yafashwe yari igitangaza.Yari imeze nk'inzu y'Ubwami.

None se ayo mazu mwabonye muri video haraho wayagereranya n'iyo nzu ya Habyarimana. None se ntibigarara ko ayo mazu y'Inkotanyi asumba kure inzu ya Habyarimana? None se Habyarimana ko yari Perezida w'igihugu akaba yari anafite uburenganzira bwo kugira ahantu atuye hajyanye n'umwanya yari afite,  byaba nangombwa Leta ikamwubakira, n'ubwo ariwe wiyubakiye inzu ye ku giti ke, none bariya bo  bafite uwuhe mwanya mu gihugu, amafaranga bayakura he yo kubaka inzu nkaziriya mwabonye?

On Tue, 24 Aug 2021 at 03:45, Jerome Ndiho <jeronimo2408@yahoo.com> wrote:
Ariko iyo murata ubwenge bwanyu bwabakoresheje génocide murumva ata kibazo mufite?

On Sun, Aug 22, 2021 at 7:23 PM, Amakuru y'u Rwanda
Tanzania,Uganda, Kenya bati:

Kagame nakomeze atange amafranga mu Burayi yo kuzana  ba mukerarugendo. Bati " Turabyungukiramo cyane, Imibare irabigaragaza."

On Sun, 22 Aug 2021 at 21:49, Amakuru y'u Rwanda <amakuruyurwanda@gmail.com> wrote:
Aho mwari mubizi?

Tanzania, Kenya na Uganda bose bishimiye ko Kagame atanga atagaguza amafranga mu makipe ya football mu Bufaransa no mu Bwongereza. Muti gute se.

Ibyo bihugu muzi ko aribyo bizwi ko bifite ibyo gusura kurusha u Rwanda. Abazungi ni uko babizi.

Iyo rero mukeragendo yabonye izo publicite za Kagame bityo ahita ashakisha aho u Rwanda ruherereye, nyuma akamenya na karere rulimo, nyuma yaho akamenya ko hari byo yasura muri byo bihugu byo mu karere kurusha ibyo yabona mu Rwanda. Bityo agahitamo kujya muri byo bihugu ahokujya mu Rwanda, cyangwa se akajya mu Rwanda ari ukuhaca gusa ahamara ijoro rimwe.

Ikindi kandi hari n'abandi ba mukererugendo nubwo baba babonye izo publicites za Kagame muri ayo makipe ya football, iyo bageze mu Rwanda, banakomeza gusura ibindi bihugu byo mu karere.

Murumva rero namwe ko ako kayabo k'amafranga gafitiye akamaro akarere kose mu byerekeye guteza imbere ubukerarugendo.

On Tue, 17 Aug 2021 at 22:04, Amakuru y'u Rwanda <amakuruyurwanda@gmail.com> wrote:

Kagame yarakaye ko amafaranga yoherereza  amakipe ya football hirya no hino ko ari ugutagagaza.

The country received 493,734 international visitors in 2020, mostly from African countries, out of which only 1,200 were from the UK and 924 from France

Rwandan president takes furious aim at Arsenal after Brentford loss - Inside World Football



16th August 2021

August 16 – Rwandan President Paul Kagame lambasted Arsenal's dramatic opening-day defeat after the club's 2-0 loss to newly promoted Brentford. He said Arsenal fans shouldn't "accept mediocrity". 

On Friday, the London club reached a new nadir when it was thoroughly outplayed by crosstown rivals Brentford, who had been absent from the top flight for 74 years. But with fresh and incisive football Brentford dispatched a lethargic Arsenal with goals from Sergio Canos and Christian Norgaard.

After the final whistle Rwanda's head of state was quick to tweet his dismay about the Gunners, a club his government sponsors via the 'Visit Rwanda brand. He wrote: "We just must NOT excuse or accept mediocrity. A team has to be built with purpose to win win win."

Visit Rwanda has been one of Arsenal's main partners since 2018, taking the club's sleeve sponsorship patch as part of what has been a controversial £30 million sponsorship. The partnership was promoted as allowing the East African country to "gain global exposure through branding on matchday LED boards at the Emirates Stadium [Arsenal's home ground], all the interview backdrops and a broad range of other marketing rights."

Since 2018, the Rwandan government and Visit Rwanda has had a controversial sponsorship deal worth more than £30 million with the logo featuring on Arsenal's shirt sleeves.

Kagame wrote: "Brentford deserved to win and they did. The game itself aside Arsenal and the fans don't deserve to kind of get used to this."

"It's been a struggle of about decade(s) – ups&downs – more downs until this point. Can't we have a plan that really works?? One part to look at is how we deal in the market – players we buy to execute the plan. The touch&go mentality does not bring change."

Kagame and his government, who face criticism at home and abroad over their political and human rights record, came to power in 2000. Visit Rwanda also sponsors Paris Saint-Germain.

Contact the writer of this story at moc.llabtoofdlrowedisni@itnuk.ardnimas


Rwanda renews Arsenal deal, bets on Messi for numbers | The East African



Rwanda renews Arsenal deal, bets on Messi for numbers




Lionel Messi during his first training session at the Ooredoo Training Centre where he trained with PSG team-mates for the first time after his transfer from Barcelona. PHOTO | courtesy of psg online


  • Rwanda has paid an undisclosed amount as fee to extend its sponsorship deal with Arsenal FC as the government builds on its campaign to boost tourism through partnerships with European football clubs.
  • Rwanda did not gain much from its deal with Arsenal because of the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Rwanda's tourism revenues declined by a whopping 76 percent from $498 million in 2019 to $121 million in 2020 owing to the pandemic.



More by this Author

Rwanda has paid an undisclosed amount as fee to extend its sponsorship deal with Arsenal FC as the government builds on its campaign to boost tourism through partnerships with European football clubs.

The deal, estimated to be upwards of $100 million, according to a source privy to the negotiations, will run up to 2023 after the first three years of the partnership expired in May.

There is, however, potential to extend the deal up to 2025 at no extra cost as Rwanda seeks to convince Arsenal that the deal bore no fruit last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic that disrupted tourism and football activities.

"Rwanda did not gain much from its deal with Arsenal because of the coronavirus pandemic. Officials are now negotiating with Arsenal to see if the deal can be extended further under the same terms.

''The negotiations are advanced so expect an announcement soon," a source told The EastAfrican.

The Arsenal deal extension is coming at a most opportune time for Rwanda which also sponsors French club Paris Saint Germain (PSG), since 2019. The recent move of Argentinian football icon Lionel Messi to PSG from Barcelona, has therefore granted Rwanda a jackpot win to leverage it's tourism.



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Re: [Rwanda Forum] Re: Rwandan president takes furious aim at Arsenal after Brentford loss

Inyenzi zahunze igihugu zigisiga  ari ishyamba, zigaruka zisanga imihanda, amashanyarazi, amashuri, amavuriro, amabanki, Ibigo bya Leta na Ministeri.
Ngo ubwo basize igihugu kiboshye. Ubu ngo barakibohoye !

Mu myaka irenga 400 zategetse igihugu nta na kimwe muri ibyo zasigiye abanyarwanda.

Ahubwo  ubu baratwereka  amashusho y'imirambo (imigogo), imva na za musee gusa, baratwereka amashusho y'abo bami ntacyo bakora. Bari mu Rwanda bicaye nta mushinga bagiye gusura, batembera mu Bubirigi. Ngubwo uburyo bwiza  bwo kubibutsa abanyarwanda.

On Tue, 24 Aug 2021 at 03:45, Jerome Ndiho <jeronimo2408@yahoo.com> wrote:
Ariko iyo murata ubwenge bwanyu bwabakoresheje génocide murumva ata kibazo mufite?

On Sun, Aug 22, 2021 at 7:23 PM, Amakuru y'u Rwanda
Tanzania,Uganda, Kenya bati:

Kagame nakomeze atange amafranga mu Burayi yo kuzana  ba mukerarugendo. Bati " Turabyungukiramo cyane, Imibare irabigaragaza."

On Sun, 22 Aug 2021 at 21:49, Amakuru y'u Rwanda <amakuruyurwanda@gmail.com> wrote:
Aho mwari mubizi?

Tanzania, Kenya na Uganda bose bishimiye ko Kagame atanga atagaguza amafranga mu makipe ya football mu Bufaransa no mu Bwongereza. Muti gute se.

Ibyo bihugu muzi ko aribyo bizwi ko bifite ibyo gusura kurusha u Rwanda. Abazungi ni uko babizi.

Iyo rero mukeragendo yabonye izo publicite za Kagame bityo ahita ashakisha aho u Rwanda ruherereye, nyuma akamenya na karere rulimo, nyuma yaho akamenya ko hari byo yasura muri byo bihugu byo mu karere kurusha ibyo yabona mu Rwanda. Bityo agahitamo kujya muri byo bihugu ahokujya mu Rwanda, cyangwa se akajya mu Rwanda ari ukuhaca gusa ahamara ijoro rimwe.

Ikindi kandi hari n'abandi ba mukererugendo nubwo baba babonye izo publicites za Kagame muri ayo makipe ya football, iyo bageze mu Rwanda, banakomeza gusura ibindi bihugu byo mu karere.

Murumva rero namwe ko ako kayabo k'amafranga gafitiye akamaro akarere kose mu byerekeye guteza imbere ubukerarugendo.

On Tue, 17 Aug 2021 at 22:04, Amakuru y'u Rwanda <amakuruyurwanda@gmail.com> wrote:

Kagame yarakaye ko amafaranga yoherereza  amakipe ya football hirya no hino ko ari ugutagagaza.

The country received 493,734 international visitors in 2020, mostly from African countries, out of which only 1,200 were from the UK and 924 from France

Rwandan president takes furious aim at Arsenal after Brentford loss - Inside World Football



16th August 2021

August 16 – Rwandan President Paul Kagame lambasted Arsenal's dramatic opening-day defeat after the club's 2-0 loss to newly promoted Brentford. He said Arsenal fans shouldn't "accept mediocrity". 

On Friday, the London club reached a new nadir when it was thoroughly outplayed by crosstown rivals Brentford, who had been absent from the top flight for 74 years. But with fresh and incisive football Brentford dispatched a lethargic Arsenal with goals from Sergio Canos and Christian Norgaard.

After the final whistle Rwanda's head of state was quick to tweet his dismay about the Gunners, a club his government sponsors via the 'Visit Rwanda brand. He wrote: "We just must NOT excuse or accept mediocrity. A team has to be built with purpose to win win win."

Visit Rwanda has been one of Arsenal's main partners since 2018, taking the club's sleeve sponsorship patch as part of what has been a controversial £30 million sponsorship. The partnership was promoted as allowing the East African country to "gain global exposure through branding on matchday LED boards at the Emirates Stadium [Arsenal's home ground], all the interview backdrops and a broad range of other marketing rights."

Since 2018, the Rwandan government and Visit Rwanda has had a controversial sponsorship deal worth more than £30 million with the logo featuring on Arsenal's shirt sleeves.

Kagame wrote: "Brentford deserved to win and they did. The game itself aside Arsenal and the fans don't deserve to kind of get used to this."

"It's been a struggle of about decade(s) – ups&downs – more downs until this point. Can't we have a plan that really works?? One part to look at is how we deal in the market – players we buy to execute the plan. The touch&go mentality does not bring change."

Kagame and his government, who face criticism at home and abroad over their political and human rights record, came to power in 2000. Visit Rwanda also sponsors Paris Saint-Germain.

Contact the writer of this story at moc.llabtoofdlrowedisni@itnuk.ardnimas


Rwanda renews Arsenal deal, bets on Messi for numbers | The East African



Rwanda renews Arsenal deal, bets on Messi for numbers




Lionel Messi during his first training session at the Ooredoo Training Centre where he trained with PSG team-mates for the first time after his transfer from Barcelona. PHOTO | courtesy of psg online


  • Rwanda has paid an undisclosed amount as fee to extend its sponsorship deal with Arsenal FC as the government builds on its campaign to boost tourism through partnerships with European football clubs.
  • Rwanda did not gain much from its deal with Arsenal because of the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Rwanda's tourism revenues declined by a whopping 76 percent from $498 million in 2019 to $121 million in 2020 owing to the pandemic.



More by this Author

Rwanda has paid an undisclosed amount as fee to extend its sponsorship deal with Arsenal FC as the government builds on its campaign to boost tourism through partnerships with European football clubs.

The deal, estimated to be upwards of $100 million, according to a source privy to the negotiations, will run up to 2023 after the first three years of the partnership expired in May.

There is, however, potential to extend the deal up to 2025 at no extra cost as Rwanda seeks to convince Arsenal that the deal bore no fruit last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic that disrupted tourism and football activities.

"Rwanda did not gain much from its deal with Arsenal because of the coronavirus pandemic. Officials are now negotiating with Arsenal to see if the deal can be extended further under the same terms.

''The negotiations are advanced so expect an announcement soon," a source told The EastAfrican.

The Arsenal deal extension is coming at a most opportune time for Rwanda which also sponsors French club Paris Saint Germain (PSG), since 2019. The recent move of Argentinian football icon Lionel Messi to PSG from Barcelona, has therefore granted Rwanda a jackpot win to leverage it's tourism.



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-Ushobora kwiyandikisha kuri iyo groupe wandikira: rwandaforum+subscribe@googlegroups.com
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Re: [Rwanda Forum] Re: Rwandan president takes furious aim at Arsenal after Brentford loss

Muri Kenya, Tanzania na Uganda ntibakeneye gushora ibyo byose ngo bamukerarugendo baze.  Ari u Rwanda, ari nibyo bihugu ni nde wunguka ?
Gahunda ya Kagame yo gushora  amafaranga mu makipe y'amaguru maze  ibindi bihugu by'akrere  bikaba bibyungukiraho birerekana ko ya East African visa ntacyo yagezeho. 

On Mon, 23 Aug 2021 at 20:37, Amakuru y'u Rwanda <amakuruyurwanda@gmail.com> wrote:
Kagame ariha byinshi kugira ngo nibyo bavuga yagezeho bishoboke. Ikibazo ni uko atazi kubara. Kubara neza ni ugufata ibyo wagezeho ugakuramo ibyo washoye maze ukamenya igisigara. Izo za video zmwe zitaka ubukerarugendo ziba zarishywe, bazikora n'abashaka amafaranga, hari na za films zakozwe harimo niyo Kagame ubwe ari mu Kivu. Hari amafaranga ashorwa mu gutegura izo nama, hari  ukwakira abazizamo, hari transport, hari communications, hari publicite,  hari biryo barya, hari electricite n'amazi akoreshwa, hari imisoro no kwishura amadeni y'iyo convention centre, hari za ambassades zirimo abakozi bahembwa bashakisha ko izo nama zabera mu Rwanda, ahari abakozi bandi mu Rwanda nabo bahembwa.
Ibyo byose ubikuyemo hasigara iki koko cyagirira umuturage akamaro?

On Mon, 23 Aug 2021 at 20:31, Amakuru y'u Rwanda <amakuruyurwanda@gmail.com> wrote:
Kagame ariha byinshi kugira ngo nibyo bavuga yagezeho bishoboke. Ikibazo ni uko atazi kubara. Kubara neza ni ugufata ibyo wagezeho ugakuramo ibyo washoye maze ukamenye igisigara. Izo za video zmwe zitaka ubukerarugendo ziba zarishywe, bazikora n'aba bashaka amafranga, hari na za films zakozwe harimo niyo Kagame ubwe ari mu Kivu. Hari amafaranga ashorwa mu gutegura izo nama, hari  ukwakira abazizamo, hari transport, hari communications, hari publicite,  hari biryo barya, hari electricite n'amazi akoreshwa, hari za ambassades zirimo abakozi bahembwa bashakisha ko izo nama zabera mu Rwanda, ahari abakozi bandi mu Rwanda nabo bahembwa.
Ibyo byose ubikuyemo hasigara iki cyagirira umuturage akamaro?

On Mon, 23 Aug 2021 at 08:45, Vincent Ndacyayisenga <rugura@yahoo.com> wrote:
War'uziko? Elizabeth yabaye reine Elizabeth II asura Kenya?

On Sunday, August 22, 2021, 04:49:57 p.m. EDT, Amakuru y'u Rwanda <amakuruyurwanda@gmail.com> wrote:

Aho mwari mubizi?

Tanzania, Kenya na Uganda bose bishimiye ko Kagame atanga atagaguza amafranga mu makipe ya football mu Bufaransa no mu Bwongereza. Muti gute se.

Ibyo bihugu muzi ko aribyo bizwi ko bifite ibyo gusura kurusha u Rwanda. Abazungi ni uko babizi.

Iyo rero mukeragendo yabonye izo publicite za Kagame bityo ahita ashakisha aho u Rwanda ruherereye, nyuma akamenya na karere rulimo, nyuma yaho akamenya ko hari byo yasura muri byo bihugu byo mu karere kurusha ibyo yabona mu Rwanda. Bityo agahitamo kujya muri byo bihugu ahokujya mu Rwanda, cyangwa se akajya mu Rwanda ari ukuhaca gusa ahamara ijoro rimwe.

Ikindi kandi hari n'abandi ba mukererugendo nubwo baba babonye izo publicites za Kagame muri ayo makipe ya football, iyo bageze mu Rwanda, banakomeza gusura ibindi bihugu byo mu karere.

Murumva rero namwe ko ako kayabo k'amafranga gafitiye akamaro akarere kose mu byerekeye guteza imbere ubukerarugendo.

On Tue, 17 Aug 2021 at 22:04, Amakuru y'u Rwanda <amakuruyurwanda@gmail.com> wrote:

Kagame yarakaye ko amafaranga yoherereza  amakipe ya football hirya no hino ko ari ugutagagaza.

The country received 493,734 international visitors in 2020, mostly from African countries, out of which only 1,200 were from the UK and 924 from France

Rwandan president takes furious aim at Arsenal after Brentford loss - Inside World Football



16th August 2021

August 16 – Rwandan President Paul Kagame lambasted Arsenal's dramatic opening-day defeat after the club's 2-0 loss to newly promoted Brentford. He said Arsenal fans shouldn't "accept mediocrity". 

On Friday, the London club reached a new nadir when it was thoroughly outplayed by crosstown rivals Brentford, who had been absent from the top flight for 74 years. But with fresh and incisive football Brentford dispatched a lethargic Arsenal with goals from Sergio Canos and Christian Norgaard.

After the final whistle Rwanda's head of state was quick to tweet his dismay about the Gunners, a club his government sponsors via the 'Visit Rwanda brand. He wrote: "We just must NOT excuse or accept mediocrity. A team has to be built with purpose to win win win."

Visit Rwanda has been one of Arsenal's main partners since 2018, taking the club's sleeve sponsorship patch as part of what has been a controversial £30 million sponsorship. The partnership was promoted as allowing the East African country to "gain global exposure through branding on matchday LED boards at the Emirates Stadium [Arsenal's home ground], all the interview backdrops and a broad range of other marketing rights."

Since 2018, the Rwandan government and Visit Rwanda has had a controversial sponsorship deal worth more than £30 million with the logo featuring on Arsenal's shirt sleeves.

Kagame wrote: "Brentford deserved to win and they did. The game itself aside Arsenal and the fans don't deserve to kind of get used to this."

"It's been a struggle of about decade(s) – ups&downs – more downs until this point. Can't we have a plan that really works?? One part to look at is how we deal in the market – players we buy to execute the plan. The touch&go mentality does not bring change."

Kagame and his government, who face criticism at home and abroad over their political and human rights record, came to power in 2000. Visit Rwanda also sponsors Paris Saint-Germain.

Contact the writer of this story at moc.llabtoofdlrowedisni@itnuk.ardnimas


Rwanda renews Arsenal deal, bets on Messi for numbers | The East African



Rwanda renews Arsenal deal, bets on Messi for numbers




Lionel Messi during his first training session at the Ooredoo Training Centre where he trained with PSG team-mates for the first time after his transfer from Barcelona. PHOTO | courtesy of psg online


  • Rwanda has paid an undisclosed amount as fee to extend its sponsorship deal with Arsenal FC as the government builds on its campaign to boost tourism through partnerships with European football clubs.
  • Rwanda did not gain much from its deal with Arsenal because of the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Rwanda's tourism revenues declined by a whopping 76 percent from $498 million in 2019 to $121 million in 2020 owing to the pandemic.



More by this Author

Rwanda has paid an undisclosed amount as fee to extend its sponsorship deal with Arsenal FC as the government builds on its campaign to boost tourism through partnerships with European football clubs.

The deal, estimated to be upwards of $100 million, according to a source privy to the negotiations, will run up to 2023 after the first three years of the partnership expired in May.

There is, however, potential to extend the deal up to 2025 at no extra cost as Rwanda seeks to convince Arsenal that the deal bore no fruit last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic that disrupted tourism and football activities.

"Rwanda did not gain much from its deal with Arsenal because of the coronavirus pandemic. Officials are now negotiating with Arsenal to see if the deal can be extended further under the same terms.

''The negotiations are advanced so expect an announcement soon," a source told The EastAfrican.

The Arsenal deal extension is coming at a most opportune time for Rwanda which also sponsors French club Paris Saint Germain (PSG), since 2019. The recent move of Argentinian football icon Lionel Messi to PSG from Barcelona, has therefore granted Rwanda a jackpot win to leverage it's tourism.



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"Ni we wishe mama wacu - Perezida Kagame avuga kuri Brig Gen Gakwerere wahoze muri FDLR".   Mu Rwanda n'uwibye igi...

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