[Rwanda Forum] Re: [rwandanet] African Pastor Dies While Trying To Recreate Jesus' Resurrection

A gang of idiots, tribal lads or country of origin I can't call them citizens!, 

Faith lift mountains, ...... mountains with handles!!!
On Monday, September 6, 2021, 10:43:34 a.m. EDT, 'Nzi Nink' via rwandanet <rwandanet@googlegroups.com> wrote:

He was then placed in the grave with his hands tied in front of him before he had dirt piled on top of him.

The 22-year-old was left there for three days and, when members of his congregation dug him up, they discovered he had died.

Spiritual rituals and 'exercises to resuscitate him' were conducted on the man's body in the hope it would complete his resurrection, however he remained dead.

One of the members of the church who helped in burying the man handed himself into police, while the other two are on the run, according to the Daily Mail.


"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.

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[Rwanda Forum] Rwanda’s Paul Kagame Funding ADF Terrorists - Command One Post

It is not a secret that some ADF Chiefs including the former supreme leader Jamilu Mukulu and Musa Baluku had a safe house in Kigali where they would be housed whenever they would be in transit from DRC to Tanzania or whenever there were offensives by the DRC government offensives.

Up to now ADF maintains some Rwandan commanders among its top leadership like Richard Mugisha aka Richard Muzei who is also Jamil Mukulu's step son among others.

Testimonies from those arrested during operations against the ADF terrorists in the East and others freed from their captivity point fingers at Rwanda being the chief funder of the terror group with the aim of causing insecurity in Uganda.


Rwanda's Paul Kagame Funding ADF Terrorists

For over 25 years, the Allied Democratic Forces ADF) terror group which fled away from Uganda has meted violence against the innocent civilians in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo hindered.

Since the late 1990s, the ADF has operated in the DRC's North Kivu province near the border with Uganda. While repeated military offensives against the ADF have severely affected it, the ADF has been able to regenerate because its recruitment and financial networks have remained intact.

The ADF rebels have benefited from foreign funding and logistical support mainly the southern neighbours, Rwanda. 

Rwanda has long been among the gravest contributors to instability in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and Great Lakes region in particular.

it is also not a secret that some ADF Chiefs including the former supreme leader Jamilu Mukulu and Musa Baluku had a safe house in Kigali where they would be housed whenever they would be in transit from DRC to Tanzania or whenever there were offensives by the DRC government offensives.

Up to now ADF maintains some Rwandan commanders among its top leadership like Richard Mugisha aka Richard Muzei who is also Jamil Mukulu's step son among others.

Testimonies from those arrested during operations against the ADF terrorists in the East and others freed from their captivity point fingers at Rwanda being the chief funder of the terror group with the aim of causing insecurity in Uganda.

Kagame also uses ADF fighters to fight a proxy war against Uganda with the aim of frustrating Uganda-DRC road projects from Bunagana to Goma and Mpondwe to Beni.

Rwanda has also established another terror group to create another terror situation in Rutshuru to fight the Bunagana-Goma road project.

 Rwanda does this as it launches offensives to lobby world bank to build a parallel road from Gisenyi to Kisangani in the DRC

It should be remembered that the UN peace keeping mission in the DRC at once met various groups of people from Kinshasha,Beni,Bunia,Goma and Butembo to whom they gave the truth about what was happening in Beni.

The UN mission explained thus "We came to Congo at the invitation of the DRC government but we have been trapped, we know who killing people in Beni is, each time they kill, where they kill, and with whom they communicate with".

The officers added "We have far more information than you know and we will be able to bring them to justice if opportunity arises".

"We have drones and satellite images; we know who is killing you, how they move, where they are positioned and when they are killing".

Peace keepers went on "To give you an idea of what is going on; ask yourself why FARDC officers with whom we defeated M23 were killed as soon as we reached Beni? Who and why was colonel Ndala killed?

They explained "What is happening in Beni is a pure genocide. It is the work of the former government and its legacy in continuity and it is likely to get even worse. ADF exists but international community should know that it is Kagame using its shadow to massacre the banande people".

The banande had persistently refused to team up with some antagonistic groups with selfish aims that were meant to create chaos in the Ruwenzori on both Uganda and DRC side.

Beni harbors one of special forces operations of FARDC commonly known as SOKOLA1 with up to 21000 operating alongside MONUSCO yet when a new operation is announced killings worsen, why?  

Are Infiltrators In FARDC The Main Force Behind ADF?

The DRC army is controlled by outside forces notably from Rwanda and leaking intelligence information. You see officers and soldiers arriving in Beni who hide their identities, operate and then disappear.

The massacres are carried out near the perimeters of army camps of FARDC and MONUSCO and often preceded by suspicious movements day and night in covered vehicles and helicopters to unjustifiable destinations.

Hon Alain Siwako a Congolese member of parliament once denounced such movements and establishment of such camps in Ituri and Beni.

These concealed movements were in Rutshuru on Vitsumbi route into the Semuliki valley via lake Edward later regrouping in Mwalika ,Mahigha in the cocoa growing areas.

Another group set off from Rwanda to Masisi then Walikale and finally Lubutu on the road to Kisangani and south Lubero and associated with Guido Shimiray's NDc-R a leader of militia for hire and pro Kagame with an objective of cutting off Goma-Butembo road so as to suffocate Beni and Butembo towns economically since all the roads from Uganda were under constant attacks.

Other movements are in Beni to Kisangani via Mambasa with an aim of cutting off North Kivu from Kisangani and hampering supplies from Kinshasha.

It is part of these secret operations that Congolese government helicopters were last year shot down in Niania and two others disappearing with no see.

The presence of Rwandan army near Goma as denounced in reports by UN experts was aimed at securing these concealed movements of these unknown armed men to the territories of Lubero, Beni, and towards Kisangani axis.

MONUSCO noted that "We provide food rations and fuel but we are surprised that some of these same rations are found in hands of the enemies.

Who is providing our supplies from FARDC to the enemy forces? Why are the FARDC partners doing this?

 "We have seen civilians and Tanzania peacekeepers killed by a force we considered friendly force. Malawi peacekeepers were also killed and some of our engineers killed".

"At some time, we were forced to shoot the perpetrators of the massacres to stop the killings but all of them were wearing FARDC uniform.

"We are in partnership with FARDC on ground but we cannot tell the difference between FARDC, a friendly force and the assailants who massacre the population wearing the same uniform as FARDC in the same operational areas".

On December 23, 2020, the Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo delivered its mid-term report and points the finger at the Rwandan Défense Forces (RDF) for their illegal presence on Congolese soil.

It is very ironical and laughable that Kagame who is funding ADF a salafist jihadist group that is butchering Congolese is now claiming to be same man fighting the same terror group under the same Islamic State's Central Africa Province in Mozambique.

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.

[Rwanda Forum] Re: [rwandanet] IDIOTS, HOMMES DE TRIBU OU CITOYENS?


Aller se faire voir chez les grecs n'est pas un compliment, ce n'est pourtant pas pour des raisons d'idiotie, tribales ou citoyennes, en dehors des Grecs, des Kenyans et des RDCéens qu'en est-il, et les MAGAlomaniens , idiots ou tribaux?ce n'est pas malin d'escalader des murs quand il y a des portes, durant une visite "touristique" d'un monument national!
On Monday, September 6, 2021, 10:42:17 a.m. EDT, 'Nzi Nink' via rwandanet <rwandanet@googlegroups.com> wrote:

Tu ne peux apporter aucune contribution significative à ta société que lorsque tu comprends ton rôle et ta place dans ladite société. Selon les anciens Grecs, il existe trois types des gens sur la terre:    -les idiots,    -les hommes de tribu et    -les citoyens.    Les recherches montrent bien qu'il n'y a que 10% des citoyens Kenyans dans ce pays. Les 90% restants sont soit des idiots soit des hommes ou femmes de tribu.    1. Lorsque les Grecs parlent des idiots ils ne les définissent pas comme un groupe de voyous, une insulte ou une malédiction mais bien une classe de gens qui s'enffichent de tout, inclues les lois du pays.    Par exemple, lorsqu'ils sont confrontés à un obstacle ou un test quelconque, ils trichent, s'ils sont au gouvernement, ils volent.    Un idiot ne pense jamais aux conséquences dans sa société dont il ignore la présence, donc il s'enfout (excusez le terme) éperdument.    Un idiot jette les épluchages de la banane sur le trottoir après l'avoir mangée en lieu et place de la poubelle.    Un idiot cherche toujours à traverser la chaussée lorsqu'il n'y a pas de policiers quand le feu de traffic est au rouge. Selon les Grecs toujours, certaines sociétés sont constituées de plus d'idiots que de citoyens.    2. Les hommes de tribu. Eux sont une catégorie des gens qui voient, considèrent et interprètent TOUT à partir du point de vue de leur tribu. Ces sont des gens qui ne vous croient et qui ne vous accordent de considération que lorsqu'ils supposent que vous êtes de leur tribu.    Lorsque les Grecs parlent de tribu il ne se limitent pas seulement à l'ethnicité mais aussi aux religions comme tribus.    Un grand nombre de Kenyans appartiennent à cette catégorie de gens car ils ne voient tout qu'à travers le biais de leurs tribus; ils n'ont confiance qu'en des personnes de leurs tribus. Il est très dangereux pour toute société d'avoir à sa tête un homme ou, pour cette raison, une femme de tribu, concluent les Grecs anciens.    3. Les Citoyens. Ce groupe des personnes est constitué d'individus qui veulent tout faire "comme il faut". Ils ne se dérogent point devant les lois du pays.    Les citoyens s'arrêtent devant le feu rouge même à l'absence des personnes qui les guettent.    Ils roulent à la vitesse prescrite par la loi, bref ils sont respectueux de leurs lois; ils ne trichent pas, ne volent pas l'Etat, ils sont compatissants et donnent librement aux autres pour promouvoir leur bien-être.    Les citoyens participent souvent à l'élaboration des projets d'ensemble qui bénéficient et édifient la communauté. Ce groupe est considéré par les Grecs anciens comme un groupe des citoyens.    Certains pays renferment plus des citoyens que des idiots ou les gens de tribu ensemble. Par contre certaines nations regorgent plus d'idiots.    Un homme de tribu peut devenir un citoyen à travers une réorientation, tandis qu'un idiot ne peut devenir citoyen que par le mécanisme de formation ou par un renforcement des lois constantes.    Tout se désagrège lorsque vous élisez un idiot pour vous diriger ou pour vous représenter sans qu'il ne soit réformé.    *Ma Conclusion*    A quel groupe de gens estimez-vous appartenir?    A quel groupe appartiennent ceux que vous avez élus?    A quelle catégorie appartient la RDC? 
République des inconscients, selon le journaliste Modeste Mutinga, ancien rapporteur du Sénat congolais.    République où nous glorifions des expressions telles que "Ebeba ebeba, toko bongisa lobi...yo moto oko bongisa mboka oyo?    République D'EXHORTATION des terminologies " Batoto' ya mama", "Ban'etu", " Mpangi + Mpangi", "Bokila lokondo"!    Que réflétons-nous aujourd'hui ?
Pays des idiots, Pays des hommes et femmes de tribu ou Pays des citoyens???


"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.

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"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.

[Rwanda Forum] Judi River sevrée de sa tuyauterie du négationnisme.


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[Rwanda Forum] UMUPFUMU UZWI - Jay Polly


"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.

[Rwanda Forum] Macron, une diplomatie de campagne électorale – International | L'Opinion

Un sommet France-Afrique aura lieu à Montpellier le 8 octobre, avant le sommet du G20 à Rome puis la COP26 sur le climat à Glasgow. Le 1er janvier 2022, la France prendra pour six mois la présidente tournante de l'UE, mais le semestre sera marqué par l'élection présidentielle les 10 et 24 avril, puis les législatives le 12 et 19 juin.


"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.



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