[Rwanda Forum] Kagame aratagaguza amafranga hirya no hino

Kagame aratagaguza amafranga  hirya no hino aho gukemura ikibazo cya gari ya moshi yasezeranije abanyarwanda dore hashize imyaka 30.

Kagame aratagazuza amafranga  menshi muri za sports ariko izo sports ntacyo zigeza ku banyrwanda. Mu mikino ya Olempike i Paris, nta munyarwanda wabonye umudari. Yaba Football, yaba Basketball, n'indi mikino u Rwanda ruri inyuma ku rwego rwa Afrika. Ibibuga byinshi mu Rwanda no gukorera imikino mpuzamahanga mu Rwanda ntabwo bizakemura icyo kibazo.


Mu gihe ibihugu byo mu karere birimo gutaha imihanda ya gari ya moshi ndetse no kuyitangiza nko mu Bugande, Kagame we akomeje gutagaguza amafaranga y'igihugu mu ngendo mu mahanga, gukoresha iminsi mikuru n'amatora afifitse, gufasha ibigo by'abanyamahanga gukoresha inama zabo mu Rwanda,  gutagaguza mu makipe yo mu mahanga, ndetse ngo  yiteguye no gufasha Formula 1 ko yakorerwa mu Rwanda.  Ikindi kibazo kandi abantu bibaza ni uko kubera imisozi igihugu gifite, kubaka imihanda ya gari ya moshi mu Rwanda bihenze kurusha mu bihugu byo mu karere. Yagamba rero akayabo k'amafranga ngo gari ya moshi yubakwe mu Rwanda. 

Imyaka ibaye mirongo 30 Kagame atubwira ko gari ya moshi igiye kuza mu Rwanda. None amaso yaheze mu kirere. Kagame rero yarashobewe, nta gisubizo afite ku byerekeye gari ya moshi mu Rwanda.

Twiteze ikibuga cy'indege cy'i Kanombe u Rwanda rutazaba rufitemo ijambo kuko  mu ishoramari kuri  icyo kibuga Qatar irusha u Rwanda imigabane. Bityo u Rwanda rukaba rutazagira ijambo  ku musaruro w'icyo kibuga. Icyo kibuga  na Rwandair sibyo bizakura abanyarwanda mu bukene. Ethiopia ifite ibyo byose dore hashize imyaka myinshi ariko abaturage baho barakenye, bahora bafashwa kubera inzara zihoraho. Ethiopia ikaba izwi nka kimwe mu bihugu aho abaturage baba mu bukene. Ethiopian Airlines  nubwo ari iya mbere muri Afrika ntabwo yashoboye kurandura ubukene muri Ethiopia.


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[Rwanda Forum] Top 10 African countries with the lowest freedom of expression in 2024

Top 10 African countries with the lowest freedom of expression in 2024

In many parts of the world, freedom of expression is seen as a fundamental human right. But the reality of how this right is upheld, or violated varies from country to country, especially in Africa.

Top 10 African countries with the lowest freedom of expression in 2024
  • Business Insider Africa presents top 10 African countries with the lowest freedom of expression in 2024.
  • The list is courtesy of the Global Expression Report.
  • In the last year, 451 million people across 10 countries experienced a deterioration of their freedom of expression.

Globally, freedom of expression is enshrined in international agreements, like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that "everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression." Yet, in practice, the situation is more complex.

In some countries, citizens enjoy broad freedoms to express themselves openly and without fear. In others, this right is curtailed, often harshly.


In the last year, 451 million people across 10 countries experienced a deterioration of their freedom of expression; only 335 million people across 5 countries saw improvement. The largest decline over the last year took place in Burkina Faso (-24 points), followed by Mongolia (-10 points) and Senegal (-9 points).

According to the Global Expression Report 2024, freedom of expression in Sub-Saharan Africa remains stagnant. Every other region has seen a significant drop in expression over the last 10 years, but there has been no substantial change in Sub-Saharan Africa.

In the last year, 216 million people across 4 countries experienced a deterioration of their freedom of expression; no countries saw improvement. The largest decline in the region took place in Burkina Faso (-24 points). This was also the largest decline globally.

In the last 5 years, 329 million people across 14 countries experienced a deterioration of their freedom of expression, while only 119 million people across 4 countries saw improvement.


Below are the top 10 African countries with the lowest freedom of expression in 2024:

RankCountryFreedom measureGlobal rank
2Equatorial Guinea4147th
3South Sudan5145th
10Republic of the Congo13127th

In many parts of the world, freedom of expression is seen as a fundamental human right. But the reality of how this right is upheld, or violated varies from country to country, especially in Africa.

Top 10 African countries with the lowest freedom of expression in 2024
  • Business Insider Africa presents top 10 African countries with the lowest freedom of expression in 2024.
  • The list is courtesy of the Global Expression Report.
  • In the last year, 451 million people across 10 countries experienced a deterioration of their freedom of expression.

Globally, freedom of expression is enshrined in international agreements, like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that "everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression." Yet, in practice, the situation is more complex.

In some countries, citizens enjoy broad freedoms to express themselves openly and without fear. In others, this right is curtailed, often harshly.


In the last year, 451 million people across 10 countries experienced a deterioration of their freedom of expression; only 335 million people across 5 countries saw improvement. The largest decline over the last year took place in Burkina Faso (-24 points), followed by Mongolia (-10 points) and Senegal (-9 points).

According to the Global Expression Report 2024, freedom of expression in Sub-Saharan Africa remains stagnant. Every other region has seen a significant drop in expression over the last 10 years, but there has been no substantial change in Sub-Saharan Africa.

In the last year, 216 million people across 4 countries experienced a deterioration of their freedom of expression; no countries saw improvement. The largest decline in the region took place in Burkina Faso (-24 points). This was also the largest decline globally.

In the last 5 years, 329 million people across 14 countries experienced a deterioration of their freedom of expression, while only 119 million people across 4 countries saw improvement.

RankCountryFreedom measureGlobal rank
2Equatorial Guinea4147th
3South Sudan5145th
10Republic of the Congo13127th

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[Rwanda Forum] La RDC est devenue une province du Rwanda.

La RDC est devenue une province du Rwanda. En plus de l'occupation de la région du Kivu par Kagame,  Kagame n'est pas gêné de dire au monde ce que les Congolais doivent faire quand il a l'occasion de le faire.  Pour référence, voir son discours sur son inauguration en tant que Président du Rwanda.

Kagame organise régulièrement des réunions avec les Chefs d'Etat sur la RDC et les autorités congolaises ne disent rien. Les négociations en Angola évoquent sur papier la question des FDLR. Mais Kagame a dit que ce n'est pas cela. Il  a dit  qu'il se bat pour les droits des Congolais. Ce qui montre que les négociations écartent les vrais problèmes. La RDC a fermé les frontières avec la Zambie. Mais avec le Rwanda les frontières restent ouvertes et les Congolais se plaignent de l'agression des Rwandais. Tout cela montre que les Congolais sont bizarres et ne savent pas ce qu'ils doivent faire pour la sécurité  de leur  pays.  Kagame a aussi dit que la communauté internationale ne peut l'empêcher de continuer son agression sur la RDC.

-Ushobora kohereza message yawe kuri : rwandaforum@googlegroups.com
-Ushobora kwiyandikisha kuri iyo groupe wandikira: rwandaforum+subscribe@googlegroups.com
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[Rwanda Forum] Les Bantou toujours les " dindons de la farce"dans un conte Tutsi. !

Triples i,
Mwagiriye inama abo  n'abashi n'aba Lendu bakifangurira ko urwabo rwarangiye ntibishinge Inyenzi-Inkotanyi  Makenga wibereye muli tourisme mbere yo kwisubirira mu ndiri yazo mu rwa Gasabo?
Makenga arashuka Bisimwa na Nangaa: we azigira mu ndiri ya Gitutsi mu rwa Kagame asanga uwo yari tarasimbuye Laurent Nkunda wigaramiye mu rukarii kwa bene wabo. 
Ariko Umutwa Corneille Nangaa ntiyasubira iwabo muli Uele hirya y'Ituri kuko niyo yakwiyita ko ari umu Hema aba Lendu bamwirenza. N'Umushi Bisimwa wo muli Maniema ni uko. Ntiyakozayo ikirenge ngo arare niyo yagenda yiyita Umu Tetela nka Lumumba bamwirenza. Ngubwo " UBWENGE"-Tutsi, impande y' "Ubwenge-Twa"Emoji

[Rwanda Forum] Cruauté du M23 en RDC

Cruauté du M23 en RDC

"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

[Rwanda Forum] Le Rwanda ferme plus de 4 000 lieux de culte en quelques semaines

Le Rwanda ferme plus de 4 000 lieux de culte en quelques semaines

Le Rwanda ferme plus de 4 000 lieux de culte en quelques semaines

Une église à Kibuye, dans l'ouest du Rwanda, le 3 décembre 2020.
Une église à Kibuye, dans l'ouest du Rwanda, le 3 décembre 2020. © SIMON WOHLFAHRT / AFP

Avec notre correspondante à Kigali, Lucie Mouillaud

Parmi les lieux de culte fermés par l'office national de la gouvernance au Rwanda, une majorité de petites églises pentecôtistes et plusieurs mosquées. Au total, 4 223 établissements ont fermé leurs portes. Pour cause : des manquements à certaines réglementations : d'abord sur la sécurité pour certains sites sans extincteur et alarmes incendie par exemple ou encore installés illégalement dans des caves ou trop proches de cours d'eau.

Parmi les autres critères avancés par les autorités pour expliquer ces fermetures : le non-respect des conditions d'insonorisation nécessaires pour éviter les nuisances dans le voisinage pendant les prières ou encore la qualification des responsables : les dirigeants d'églises paroissiales devant détenir un diplôme universitaire en théologie.

De nouvelles règles, résultat d'une loi votée en 2018 pour contrôler la prolifération des lieux de culte, jugés à l'époque trop nombreux par le président Paul Kagame. Plus de 700 établissements avaient été fermés au passage de la législation. Les autres avaient cinq ans pour se mettre aux normes, sans succès donc pour plusieurs milliers d'entre eux.

"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

[Rwanda Forum] BOMBORI: Kagame afashwe ingoto/Bazanye umusazi mu rukiko/Ari Ingabire na Kagame ni nde uzarangira nabi?

BOMBORI: Kagame afashwe ingoto/Bazanye umusazi mu rukiko/Ari Ingabire na Kagame ni nde uzarangira nabi?

"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

[Rwanda Forum] Rwanda-RDC: Double langage des Vuvuzelas de Paul Kagame

Triples i, A quoi faites-vous jouer votre Hutu de Service petit-fils Ngurube à Luanda? Heureusement que le ridicule ne tue pas et que la RDC...

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