[Rwanda Forum] The UK’s view of Rwanda is deeply ignorant – I once fell prey to it myself.

Uyu mugabo n'ubwo yakoze iyo bwabaga, mu kugaragaza isura y'ubu ya RPF, hari byinshi byahise agikeneye gusobanuriwa.

Uyu ni wo mukoro wanjye nawe.

Aragira ati:

"No one should doubt that Hutu supremacists were responsible for the genocide and Kagame's forces ended it." 



"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.

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[Rwanda Forum] Rwanda-RDC: Double langage des Vuvuzelas de Paul Kagame

Triples i, A quoi faites-vous jouer votre Hutu de Service petit-fils Ngurube à Luanda? Heureusement que le ridicule ne tue pas et que la RDC...

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