[Rwanda Forum] Does BBC harbour animosity for the Rwandan government?

Does BBC harbour animosity for the Rwandan government? 

[...] But BBC's creature of buffoonery, Olus, will have none of this. He'd rather dispatch his disloyal youth to Rwanda because, says he, it seems to be the fashionable place to send unwanted people these days. Interrupts Kiba: Hang on a second, didn't you say Rwanda came out on top of most contended youth? Strange, that, muses Olus, maybe he (ref. President Kagame) has carried out his own loyalty survey. And you know what happens to disloyal Rwandans.  [End of the sketch]. End, because that's the punchline that the BBC script-writer intended to deliver all along. The whole skit was building up to that: the Rwandan leadership's forced loyalty on its people! [...]

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.

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