[Rwanda Forum] Rwandan Vulnerability: The State’s Failed Attempt To Eliminate Ethnicity

Rwandan Vulnerability: The State's Failed Attempt To Eliminate Ethnicity.

This paper argues that the Rwandan Patriotic Front's (RPF) policy of national unity and reconciliation has failed to adequately address ethnic animosity in post-genocide Rwanda, thus leaving the state vulnerable to future violence between the Tutsi and Hutu. While Rwanda has largely been stable over the last two decades, it has emerged as a single-party police state, where all citizens, but particularly the Hutu majority, are closely monitored to ensure compliance with RPF agendas. The primary component of the policy of national unity and reconciliation is the notion that all Rwandans are the same and ethnic identities must be abandoned, even to the degree that ethnicity cannot be discussed outside of official, specially-designated forums. In reality, individual ethnicity still prevails and the Tutsi minority dominates nearly all positions of influence across the country, capitalizing on professional and personal opportunities while the Hutu are marginalized and ignored. This is the root cause of ethnic tension in Rwanda and the greatest risk to stability.


"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.

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