[Rwanda Forum] Un autre son de cloche !

Bonjour Rugura,
Un autre son de cloche qui retenti cette fois-ci non pas du haut du Minaret de Echos d'Afrique, mais du sommet de la Tour de la Cathédrale Tribune Franco-Rwandaise ( TFR). Et cette fois-ci en bon français on l'espère...
L'auteur est un " illustre inconnu" et donc pas un " nominé ou un nommé". Aucun souci à ce faire donc à ce sujet ( sa notoriété).

Re: [Rwanda Forum] Appel d'un nomminé au Prix Nobel à Paul Kagame

Mon cher Rugura, une petite mise au point:
L'auteur de l'article , qui l'a d'ailleurs signé, assume sa part , que ce soit sur le fond ou sur  la forme... et dans les trois langues dans lesquelles il l'a mis comme tu peux le voir.
Quant à Echos d'Afrique, il n'a jamais prétendu être un Grévisse du XXIè et encore moins un éditeur correcteur des manuscrits lui soumis pour publication. Cependant il assume la sienne dans ce sens que l'article de Joan Carrero, fautes grammaticales de français mises à part, ne heurte pas sa ligne éditoriale dans son fond mais au contraire la rejoint. 

Asunto: Message à Paul Kagame – Ecoute Paul, j'ai un message important pour toi : tes jours sont comptés [Joan Carrero, 19.08.2021]




Mensaje para Paul Kagame – Escucha Paul, tengo un importante mensaje para ti: tus días están contados [Joan Carrero, 19.08.2021]


Missatge a Paul Kagame – Escolta Paul, tinc un important missatge per a tu: els teus dies estan comptats [Joan Carrero, 19.08.2021]

Le vendredi 20 août 2021, 07:17:00 UTC+1, Vincent Ndacyayisenga <rugura@yahoo.com> a écrit :


Comme dirait Nikozitabirwa, Ou est le doigt? ou est la lune? en 1999 "le nominé" n'a pas eu de chance  "Les french doctors" l'ont "coiffé au poteau", mon cher Zac je suis vraiment sidéré, à coté de la nomination "officielle" au prix nobel de la paix par Adolfo Perez Esquivel il y avait la "hollywoodienne" (ou officieuse) du RDR ..... passé de ONG à parti politique, dis moi Zac, RDR-FDU-Echos D'Afrique, ou est la mouche, ou est le lait ou est la vache? kanaka ngo umuco karande w'ikinyoma

Tu  devriez
Si tu aviez
 vous tomber dessus
tes puissants parrains
c'est ta fin désolante que tu commences déjà à entamer. (qu'en dit le president de la terre et du ciel, je crois plutot entendre pastor Cierge.. pardon 'coleman)
Le 15 août est une date que tu n'aurais jamais dû mépriser (Et Nyina wa jambo et Juan Carrero fot l'impasse sur les suites du 5 Juillet et les camarades qui l'ont incarné?)
Echo d'Afrique ne dis pas s'il cite Joan Carrero  ou si c'est la traduction "google" de l'espagnol au français, dans un cas comme dans l'autre , la mouche est dans le lait .... du discours)

Nom mon cher Zac, c'es la force de l'argument qu'il faut opposer à l'argument de la force et non l'argument de l'absurde, le Dr Mukwege lui est réellement lauréat, n'est ce pas pradoxal qu'un nominé éclipse un lauréat? (sauf si comme chez Debussy "un(e) blanc(he) vaut deux noir(e)s).

Yewe, comparaison n'est pas raison même si, en filigrane il y en a toujours une!!!

Ubanza ali ibya L'hora na l'vuga koko!!! (Echos d'Afrique a fait du Niyimike .... masacre de la grammaire compris!), Ubwenje we! ubutarahuwe burarahwa!!!

On Thursday, August 19, 2021, 08:50:26 a.m. EDT, 'Zac Biampa' via Rwanda Forum <rwandaforum@googlegroups.com> wrote:

Rugura waramutse!
Pour un peu varier dans les monologues rwando-rwandais, je te fais partager l'intervention d'un espagnol. Ntitwihutire kuvuga ko " Yiterera mu mata nk'isazi"... kuko burya n'iyo sazi ibana n'inka "ago mata gavagamo!"

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[Rwanda Forum] Fwd: Rwandan president takes furious aim at Arsenal after Brentford loss

Kagame yarakaye ko amafaranga yoherereza  amakipe ya football hirya no hino ko ari ugutagagaza.

The country received 493,734 international visitors in 2020, mostly from African countries, out of which only 1,200 were from the UK and 924 from France

Rwandan president takes furious aim at Arsenal after Brentford loss - Inside World Football



16th August 2021

August 16 – Rwandan President Paul Kagame lambasted Arsenal's dramatic opening-day defeat after the club's 2-0 loss to newly promoted Brentford. He said Arsenal fans shouldn't "accept mediocrity". 

On Friday, the London club reached a new nadir when it was thoroughly outplayed by crosstown rivals Brentford, who had been absent from the top flight for 74 years. But with fresh and incisive football Brentford dispatched a lethargic Arsenal with goals from Sergio Canos and Christian Norgaard.

After the final whistle Rwanda's head of state was quick to tweet his dismay about the Gunners, a club his government sponsors via the 'Visit Rwanda brand. He wrote: "We just must NOT excuse or accept mediocrity. A team has to be built with purpose to win win win."

Visit Rwanda has been one of Arsenal's main partners since 2018, taking the club's sleeve sponsorship patch as part of what has been a controversial £30 million sponsorship. The partnership was promoted as allowing the East African country to "gain global exposure through branding on matchday LED boards at the Emirates Stadium [Arsenal's home ground], all the interview backdrops and a broad range of other marketing rights."

Since 2018, the Rwandan government and Visit Rwanda has had a controversial sponsorship deal worth more than £30 million with the logo featuring on Arsenal's shirt sleeves.

Kagame wrote: "Brentford deserved to win and they did. The game itself aside Arsenal and the fans don't deserve to kind of get used to this."

"It's been a struggle of about decade(s) – ups&downs – more downs until this point. Can't we have a plan that really works?? One part to look at is how we deal in the market – players we buy to execute the plan. The touch&go mentality does not bring change."

Kagame and his government, who face criticism at home and abroad over their political and human rights record, came to power in 2000. Visit Rwanda also sponsors Paris Saint-Germain.

Contact the writer of this story at moc.llabtoofdlrowedisni@itnuk.ardnimas


Rwanda renews Arsenal deal, bets on Messi for numbers | The East African



Rwanda renews Arsenal deal, bets on Messi for numbers




Lionel Messi during his first training session at the Ooredoo Training Centre where he trained with PSG team-mates for the first time after his transfer from Barcelona. PHOTO | courtesy of psg online


  • Rwanda has paid an undisclosed amount as fee to extend its sponsorship deal with Arsenal FC as the government builds on its campaign to boost tourism through partnerships with European football clubs.
  • Rwanda did not gain much from its deal with Arsenal because of the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Rwanda's tourism revenues declined by a whopping 76 percent from $498 million in 2019 to $121 million in 2020 owing to the pandemic.



More by this Author

Rwanda has paid an undisclosed amount as fee to extend its sponsorship deal with Arsenal FC as the government builds on its campaign to boost tourism through partnerships with European football clubs.

The deal, estimated to be upwards of $100 million, according to a source privy to the negotiations, will run up to 2023 after the first three years of the partnership expired in May.

There is, however, potential to extend the deal up to 2025 at no extra cost as Rwanda seeks to convince Arsenal that the deal bore no fruit last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic that disrupted tourism and football activities.

"Rwanda did not gain much from its deal with Arsenal because of the coronavirus pandemic. Officials are now negotiating with Arsenal to see if the deal can be extended further under the same terms.

''The negotiations are advanced so expect an announcement soon," a source told The EastAfrican.

The Arsenal deal extension is coming at a most opportune time for Rwanda which also sponsors French club Paris Saint Germain (PSG), since 2019. The recent move of Argentinian football icon Lionel Messi to PSG from Barcelona, has therefore granted Rwanda a jackpot win to leverage it's tourism.



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[Rwanda Forum] Rwandan president takes furious aim at Arsenal after Brentford loss

Kagame yarakaye ko amafranga atanga amakipe ya football hirya no hino ko ari augutagagaza.

The country received 493,734 international visitors in 2020, mostly from African countries, out of which only 1,200 were from the UK and 924 from France

Rwandan president takes furious aim at Arsenal after Brentford loss - Inside World Football



16th August 2021

August 16 – Rwandan President Paul Kagame lambasted Arsenal's dramatic opening-day defeat after the club's 2-0 loss to newly promoted Brentford. He said Arsenal fans shouldn't "accept mediocrity". 

On Friday, the London club reached a new nadir when it was thoroughly outplayed by crosstown rivals Brentford, who had been absent from the top flight for 74 years. But with fresh and incisive football Brentford dispatched a lethargic Arsenal with goals from Sergio Canos and Christian Norgaard.

After the final whistle Rwanda's head of state was quick to tweet his dismay about the Gunners, a club his government sponsors via the 'Visit Rwanda brand. He wrote: "We just must NOT excuse or accept mediocrity. A team has to be built with purpose to win win win."

Visit Rwanda has been one of Arsenal's main partners since 2018, taking the club's sleeve sponsorship patch as part of what has been a controversial £30 million sponsorship. The partnership was promoted as allowing the East African country to "gain global exposure through branding on matchday LED boards at the Emirates Stadium [Arsenal's home ground], all the interview backdrops and a broad range of other marketing rights."

Since 2018, the Rwandan government and Visit Rwanda has had a controversial sponsorship deal worth more than £30 million with the logo featuring on Arsenal's shirt sleeves.

Kagame wrote: "Brentford deserved to win and they did. The game itself aside Arsenal and the fans don't deserve to kind of get used to this."

"It's been a struggle of about decade(s) – ups&downs – more downs until this point. Can't we have a plan that really works?? One part to look at is how we deal in the market – players we buy to execute the plan. The touch&go mentality does not bring change."

Kagame and his government, who face criticism at home and abroad over their political and human rights record, came to power in 2000. Visit Rwanda also sponsors Paris Saint-Germain.

Contact the writer of this story at moc.llabtoofdlrowedisni@itnuk.ardnimas


Rwanda renews Arsenal deal, bets on Messi for numbers | The East African



Rwanda renews Arsenal deal, bets on Messi for numbers




Lionel Messi during his first training session at the Ooredoo Training Centre where he trained with PSG team-mates for the first time after his transfer from Barcelona. PHOTO | courtesy of psg online


  • Rwanda has paid an undisclosed amount as fee to extend its sponsorship deal with Arsenal FC as the government builds on its campaign to boost tourism through partnerships with European football clubs.
  • Rwanda did not gain much from its deal with Arsenal because of the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Rwanda's tourism revenues declined by a whopping 76 percent from $498 million in 2019 to $121 million in 2020 owing to the pandemic.



More by this Author

Rwanda has paid an undisclosed amount as fee to extend its sponsorship deal with Arsenal FC as the government builds on its campaign to boost tourism through partnerships with European football clubs.

The deal, estimated to be upwards of $100 million, according to a source privy to the negotiations, will run up to 2023 after the first three years of the partnership expired in May.

There is, however, potential to extend the deal up to 2025 at no extra cost as Rwanda seeks to convince Arsenal that the deal bore no fruit last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic that disrupted tourism and football activities.

"Rwanda did not gain much from its deal with Arsenal because of the coronavirus pandemic. Officials are now negotiating with Arsenal to see if the deal can be extended further under the same terms.

''The negotiations are advanced so expect an announcement soon," a source told The EastAfrican.

The Arsenal deal extension is coming at a most opportune time for Rwanda which also sponsors French club Paris Saint Germain (PSG), since 2019. The recent move of Argentinian football icon Lionel Messi to PSG from Barcelona, has therefore granted Rwanda a jackpot win to leverage it's tourism.



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[Rwanda Forum] From coast to coast: RDF is there!

D'un océan à l'autre ! Twibukiranye ko ibyihebe bya Bozize byari byafunze umuhanda Douaka - Bangui....abawufunguye murabazi! 


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[Rwanda Forum] Amakuru yo.mu karere!


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[Rwanda Forum] “Ni we wishe mama wacu - Perezida Kagame avuga kuri Brig Gen Gakwerere wahoze muri FDLR”.

"Ni we wishe mama wacu - Perezida Kagame avuga kuri Brig Gen Gakwerere wahoze muri FDLR".   Mu Rwanda n'uwibye igi...

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