[Rwanda Forum] Re: Re : Génocide contre les Hutu au Burundi et au Rwanda: Le planificateur suprême vivait a Kigali!

Triple i,
Transmet a ce descendant des génocidaires Hima de Buriri cette mise au point des témoins oculaires des faits pour qu'il ne meurt pas ignorant et nostalgique du génocide du Plan Simbananiwe.

Le samedi 27 juillet 2024 à 13:11:56 UTC+2, Jerome Ndiho <jeronimo2408@yahoo.com> a écrit :

Le jeu., juill. 25 2024 à 4:10 p.m., Zac Biampa
<zac.biampa@yahoo.fr> a écrit :

Triples i, 

C'est avec étonnement et surprise que Arthémon Simbananiye un citoyen burundais vient de mourir a Kigali au Rwanda ou il vivait depuis des décennies.
La surprise et l'étonnement ne proviennent pas du fait de sa mort, car à 90 ans, en tenant compte de la durée de vie sur terre d'un être humain cela est compréhensible.
Mais quand on sait qui était Arthémon Simbananiye , il y a de quoi s'étonner mais en même temps de mieux comprendre les drames qui s'abattent sur le Rwanda et au Burundi depuis leur indépendance et qui aujourd'hui se répandent dans toute la région à commencer par la RDC: " Génocider les populations Bantou ( Hutu, Twa) pour que les nilo-hamites(Hima Tutsi) puissent régner sur la region."
Arthémon Simbananiye est cet illustre auteur du plan qui porte son nom" Plan Simbananiye" que le tristement  et sinistre tyran Hima Tutsi le Colonel Michel Micombero a en 1992 appelé, comme son Ministre, à appliquer ce plan au Burundi en 1972 pays où il avait pris le pouvoir par un coup d'état en 1966.
Arthémon Simbananiye a alors mis en exécution son plan et le résultat fut un Génocide contre les Hutu  qui fut manifeste et incontestable.
Mais la surprise vient de ce que depuis que les officiers Hima-Tutsi de Bururi ne sont plus au pouvoir au Burundi, on ne savait pas ce qu'était devenu l'auteur du "Plan Simbananiye" du génocide.
Maintenant sachant qu'il était plaqué au Rwanda de Paul Kagame, on comprend comment Kagame appliqué à la lettre ce Plan Simbananiye au Rwanda et maintenant en RDC depuis sa conquête du Rwanda. Donc Arthémon Simbananiye était son éminence grise en matière de génocide des Hutu.
Le seul regret est qu'il échappe ainsi à la Justice et par sa planque chez son disciple génocidaire Kagame , même la "Commission Verite et Reconciliation" au Burundi n'a pas pu recueillir ses déclarations au sujet de son Plan Simbananiye mis en exécution en 1972 par le Col Michel Micombero, alors que cette commission n'est pas du tout pour juger et encore moins condamner, mais pour fournir aux générations futures du Burundi et à l'Histoire les clés pour comprendre les génocides contre les Hutu de ce pays de 1972, 1988( Ntega-Marangara) ou 1993 (assassinat du Hutu Melchoir Ndadaye suivi de ses camarades Hutu du parti Sahwanya FRODEBU).
Pourtant la Communauté Internationale qui savait où il était plaqué s'est acharnée à rechercher et à juger injustement les Hutu ayant fui le hôte du planificateur des génocides Arthémon Simbananiye qui a publié son diabolique plan mis en exécution au Rwanda et au Burundi.

On se demande dans quel Monde nous vivons!

[Rwanda Forum] Génocide contre les Hutu au Burundi et au Rwanda: Le planificateur suprême vivait a Kigali!

Triples i, 

C'est avec étonnement et surprise que Arthémon Simbananiye un citoyen burundais vient de mourir a Kigali au Rwanda ou il vivait depuis des décennies.
La surprise et l'étonnement ne proviennent pas du fait de sa mort, car à 90 ans, en tenant compte de la durée de vie sur terre d'un être humain cela est compréhensible.
Mais quand on sait qui était Arthémon Simbananiye , il y a de quoi s'étonner mais en même temps de mieux comprendre les drames qui s'abattent sur le Rwanda et au Burundi depuis leur indépendance et qui aujourd'hui se répandent dans toute la région à commencer par la RDC: " Génocider les populations Bantou ( Hutu, Twa) pour que les nilo-hamites(Hima Tutsi) puissent régner sur la region."
Arthémon Simbananiye est cet illustre auteur du plan qui porte son nom" Plan Simbananiye" que le tristement  et sinistre tyran Hima Tutsi le Colonel Michel Micombero a en 1992 appelé, comme son Ministre, à appliquer ce plan au Burundi en 1972 pays où il avait pris le pouvoir par un coup d'état en 1966.
Arthémon Simbananiye a alors mis en exécution son plan et le résultat fut un Génocide contre les Hutu  qui fut manifeste et incontestable.
Mais la surprise vient de ce que depuis que les officiers Hima-Tutsi de Bururi ne sont plus au pouvoir au Burundi, on ne savait pas ce qu'était devenu l'auteur du "Plan Simbananiye" du génocide.
Maintenant sachant qu'il était plaqué au Rwanda de Paul Kagame, on comprend comment Kagame appliqué à la lettre ce Plan Simbananiye au Rwanda et maintenant en RDC depuis sa conquête du Rwanda. Donc Arthémon Simbananiye était son éminence grise en matière de génocide des Hutu.
Le seul regret est qu'il échappe ainsi à la Justice et par sa planque chez son disciple génocidaire Kagame , même la "Commission Verite et Reconciliation" au Burundi n'a pas pu recueillir ses déclarations au sujet de son Plan Simbananiye mis en exécution en 1972 par le Col Michel Micombero, alors que cette commission n'est pas du tout pour juger et encore moins condamner, mais pour fournir aux générations futures du Burundi et à l'Histoire les clés pour comprendre les génocides contre les Hutu de ce pays de 1972, 1988( Ntega-Marangara) ou 1993 (assassinat du Hutu Melchoir Ndadaye suivi de ses camarades Hutu du parti Sahwanya FRODEBU).
Pourtant la Communauté Internationale qui savait où il était plaqué s'est acharnée à rechercher et à juger injustement les Hutu ayant fui le hôte du planificateur des génocides Arthémon Simbananiye qui a publié son diabolique plan mis en exécution au Rwanda et au Burundi.

On se demande dans quel Monde nous vivons!

[Rwanda Forum] Treasury Sanctions Rebel Alliance Driving Instability in the Democratic Republic of the Congo | U.S. Department of the Treasury

Treasury Sanctions Rebel Alliance Driving Instability in the Democratic Republic of the Congo | U.S. Department of the Treasury

Treasury Sanctions Rebel Alliance Driving Instability in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

United States targets armed group leaders who fuel conflict, displacement

WASHINGTON — Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) imposed sanctions on the Congo River Alliance, known by its French name Alliance Fleuve Congo (AFC), a coalition of rebel groups that seeks to overthrow the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and is driving political instability, violent conflict, and civilian displacement. The principal member of AFC is the U.S.- and UN-sanctioned March 23 Movement (M23), an armed group with a long history of destabilizing the DRC's North Kivu province and perpetrating human rights abuses. OFAC is also targeting individuals and entities associated with AFC, including Bertrand Bisimwa, the president of M23; Twirwaneho, an AFC-affiliated armed group in the DRC's South Kivu province; and Charles Sematama, a commander and deputy military leader of Twirwaneho. 

"Today's action reinforces our commitment to hold accountable those who seek to perpetuate instability, violence, and harm to civilians to achieve their political goals," said Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian E. Nelson. "We condemn AFC and its affiliates, including M23, for fueling this deadly conflict and exacerbating a humanitarian crisis in eastern DRC."

In addition, OFAC is redesignating Corneille Yobeluo Nangaa (Nangaa), who launched AFC alongside the leaders of M23. Nangaa is the former president of the DRC's National Independent Electoral Commission (CENI) and was originally sanctioned by OFAC in 2019 for engaging in actions or policies that undermine democratic processes or institutions in the DRC. Today, he is also being sanctioned for acting as a leader of AFC. The designation of AFC and its affiliates and the redesignation of Nangaa are being carried out pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13413, as amended by E.O. 13671.


The Congo River Alliance (Alliance Fleuve Congo (AFC)) is a political-military coalition that seeks to overthrow the DRC government. At its launch on December 15, 2023, AFC invited armed groups and members of the Congolese military to join its rebellion. AFC conducts advocacy and public outreach on behalf of M23 and seeks to extend its armed insurgency beyond eastern DRC. AFC is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13413, as amended by E.O. 13671 ("E.O. 13413, as amended"), for having acted or purported to act for or on behalf of M23.

Corneille Yobeluo Nangaa (Nangaa) is the former president of CENI and was a key figure in the delay of the DRC's 2016 elections, which were postponed until 2018. Nangaa is the coordinator of AFC, which he launched alongside senior M23 officers. Nangaa is engaging in efforts to popularize AFC and promote its goal of overthrowing the DRC government, in collaboration with M23. OFAC designated Nangaa on March 21, 2019, pursuant to E.O. 13413, as amended, for engaging in actions or policies that undermine democratic processes or institutions in the DRC. Today, OFAC is also designating Nangaa pursuant to E.O. 13413, as amended, for being a leader of AFC.

m23: A Rebellion at the center of recurring Violence in North Kivu

AFC's primary member is M23, a Rwanda-backed rebel group that seized vast swathes of eastern DRC in 2012 and briefly controlled the border city of Goma, before fleeing to neighboring Rwanda and Uganda in 2013. OFAC designated M23 on January 3, 2013, pursuant to E.O. 13413, for committing serious violations of international law involving the targeting of children in situations of armed conflict in the DRC, including killing and maiming, sexual violence, abduction, and forced displacement, and receiving arms and related materiel, including military aircraft and equipment, or advice, training, or assistance, including financing and financial assistance, related to military activities in the DRC.

M23 reemerged in late 2021 with the help of the Rwanda Defence Force (RDF). In February 2024, M23 cut off the last remaining overland supply route to Goma, and in May 2024, M23 seized Rubaya, a town at the center of an expansive mining area for coltan, a key material used in the production of electronic devices. The security crisis prompted by M23's rebellion has displaced around 1.5 million people according to the International Organization for Migration. Over the course of its rebellion, M23 has perpetrated human rights abuses, including killings, attacks against civilians, and sexual violence. On November 29, 2022, M23 conducted a series of killings in the town of Kishishe in North Kivu, where M23 combatants looted civilian property and raped women. Promoting accountability for conflict-related sexual violence committed by groups such as M23 is a top priority for President Biden, who signed a Presidential Memorandum on November 28, 2022 that directs the U.S. government to strengthen the exercise of its financial, diplomatic, and legal tools to address this pernicious problem.

Bertrand Bisimwa (Bisimwa) is the civilian president of M23. He stood alongside Nangaa at the launch of AFC and is central to AFC and M23's collaboration. Bisimwa engages in public outreach on behalf of M23 and facilitates the establishment of rebel administrations in territories controlled by M23. Bisimwa is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13413, as amended, for being a leader of M23.

Twirwaneho: Extending AFC's Rebellion TO South Kivu

Twirwaneho is an armed group in South Kivu province that is a member of AFC and collaborates with M23. The leader of Twirwaneho is Michel Rukunda (Rukunda), who was sanctioned by OFAC, along with other Congolese armed group leaders, on December 8, 2023 pursuant to E.O. 13413, as amended. In February 2024, the UN Security Council's 1533 DRC Sanctions Committee also added Rukunda to its sanctions list. Twirwaneho is responsible for attacks against civilians and forced recruitment, including of minors. 

Twirwaneho is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13413, as amended, for being responsible for or complicit in, or having engaged in, directly or indirectly, the targeting of women, children, or any civilians through the commission of acts of violence (including killing, maiming, torture, or rape or other sexual violence), abduction, forced displacement, or attacks on schools, hospitals, religious sites, or locations where civilians are seeking refuge, or through conduct that would constitute a serious abuse or violation of human rights or a violation of international humanitarian law in or in relation to the DRC.

Charles Sematama (Sematama) is a commander and deputy military leader of Twirwaneho. Sematama deserted from the Congolese military in February 2021 and leads Twirwaneho operations, including the armed group's forcible recruitment of minors. Sematama is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13413, as amended, for being a leader of Twirwaneho.


As a result of today's action, all property and interests in property of the designated persons described above that are in the United States or in the possession or control of U.S. persons are blocked and must be reported to OFAC. In addition, any entities that are owned, directly or indirectly, individually or in the aggregate, 50 percent or more by one or more blocked persons are also blocked. Unless authorized by a general or specific license issued by OFAC, or exempt, OFAC's regulations generally prohibit all transactions by U.S. persons or within (or transiting) the United States that involve any property or interests in property of designated or otherwise blocked persons.

In addition, the prohibitions include the making of any contribution or provision of funds, goods, or services by, to, or for the benefit of any designated person, or the receipt of any contribution or provision of funds, goods, or services from any such person.

The power and integrity of OFAC sanctions derive not only from OFAC's ability to designate and add persons to the SDN List, but also from its willingness to remove persons from the SDN List consistent with the law. The ultimate goal of sanctions is not to punish, but to bring about a positive change in behavior. For information concerning the process for seeking removal from an OFAC list, including the SDN List, please refer to OFAC's Frequently Asked Question 897 here. For detailed information on the process to submit a request for removal from an OFAC sanctions list, please click here.

Click here for more information on the individuals and entities designated today


"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

[Rwanda Forum] Vioja vya maandamano: Wakenya wakosa nafasi ya kupaa kwenda 'majuu' kupitia JKIA

Mu gihe Abanyarwanda tugisinziriye muri rusange, dore inyanja y'abantu bagiye kwigaragambiriza ku kibuga cy'indege i Nairobi. Unbelievable!


"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

[Rwanda Forum] Re : Kagame réélu à 99,9% en....France!


Iteka rya Minisitiri n° 001/MoH/2024 ryo ku wa 11/07/2024 ryerekeye uburyo bw'imikoreshereze y'umubiri w'umuntu, ingingo, ingirangingo, uturemangingo n'ibikomoka mu mubiri.
"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

On Jul 23, 2024, at 10:44 AM, 'Zac Biampa' via Rwanda Forum <rwandaforum@googlegroups.com> wrote:

Impano ya Bill Clinton yo muli Butaro yo ntigomba kuzavugururwa ahunwa gusenywa. Abandi bubaka ibitaro bivura abarwayi, naho mushuti wa Kaaga akaba na conseiller we  Clinton ( le suceur Lewinsky) akubaka ibikwirakwiza Cancer n'ibikura imigabane y'umubiri mu bantu! Genda Rwanda waragowe!Emoji

Le mardi 23 juillet 2024 à 16:03:29 UTC+2, Jerome Ndiho <jeronimo2408@yahoo.com> a écrit :

Iriya mpano ya Arabie Saoudite reka bayivugurure bayihe isura igezweho!

Le lun., juill. 22 2024 à 11:04 a.m., Zac Biampa
<zac.biampa@yahoo.fr> a écrit :
Harya Hôpital Roi Faysar, nayo Kagame yemeza ko nayo nka Stade Amahoro yayizanye mu mizigo ye ava Ouganda ashimuta u Rwanda muli 1994? Risible mais TristeEmojiEmoji

Le lundi 22 juillet 2024 à 14:43:33 UTC+2, Jerome Ndiho <jeronimo2408@yahoo.com> a écrit :


Le lun., juill. 22 2024 à 8:40 a.m., Zac Biampa
<zac.biampa@yahoo.fr> a écrit :
Tu aimes et tu en veux? Revoici:

Le dimanche 21 juillet 2024 à 22:21:26 UTC+2, Jerome Ndiho <jeronimo2408@yahoo.com> a écrit :

Ariko ibi bitabapfu uhora wandikaaaaaa...

Le dim., juill. 21 2024 à 9:19 a.m., Zac Biampa
<zac.biampa@yahoo.fr> a écrit :
Triples i et H de Sv,
Nous vous faisons partager comment une de vos anciennes recrues de France et toujours actives et votre Vuvuzela dans  Libération vient commettre  une bourde monumentale et se fait taper sur les doigts: Maria Malagardis pour ne pas la citer. 

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[Rwanda Forum] Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: Re : Kagame réélu à 99,9% en....France!

Impano ya Bill Clinton yo muli Butaro yo ntigomba kuzavugururwa ahunwa gusenywa. Abandi bubaka ibitaro bivura abarwayi, naho mushuti wa Kaaga akaba na conseiller we  Clinton ( le suceur Lewinsky) akubaka ibikwirakwiza Cancer n'ibikura imigabane y'umubiri mu bantu! Genda Rwanda waragowe!Emoji

Le mardi 23 juillet 2024 à 16:03:29 UTC+2, Jerome Ndiho <jeronimo2408@yahoo.com> a écrit :

Iriya mpano ya Arabie Saoudite reka bayivugurure bayihe isura igezweho!

Le lun., juill. 22 2024 à 11:04 a.m., Zac Biampa
<zac.biampa@yahoo.fr> a écrit :
Harya Hôpital Roi Faysar, nayo Kagame yemeza ko nayo nka Stade Amahoro yayizanye mu mizigo ye ava Ouganda ashimuta u Rwanda muli 1994? Risible mais TristeEmojiEmoji

Le lundi 22 juillet 2024 à 14:43:33 UTC+2, Jerome Ndiho <jeronimo2408@yahoo.com> a écrit :

Le lun., juill. 22 2024 à 8:40 a.m., Zac Biampa
<zac.biampa@yahoo.fr> a écrit :
Tu aimes et tu en veux? Revoici:

Le dimanche 21 juillet 2024 à 22:21:26 UTC+2, Jerome Ndiho <jeronimo2408@yahoo.com> a écrit :

Ariko ibi bitabapfu uhora wandikaaaaaa...

Le dim., juill. 21 2024 à 9:19 a.m., Zac Biampa
<zac.biampa@yahoo.fr> a écrit :
Triples i et H de Sv,
Nous vous faisons partager comment une de vos anciennes recrues de France et toujours actives et votre Vuvuzela dans  Libération vient commettre  une bourde monumentale et se fait taper sur les doigts: Maria Malagardis pour ne pas la citer. 

[Rwanda Forum] UK Conservatives planned to spend 10 billion pounds on Rwanda migrant scheme, minister says | Reuters

UK Conservatives planned to spend 10 billion pounds on Rwanda migrant scheme, minister says | Reuters

UK Conservatives planned to spend 10 billion pounds on Rwanda migrant scheme, minister says

Migrants cross the English Channel in small boats
LONDON, July 22 (Reuters) - Britain's new Labour interior minister on Monday accused the previous, Conservative government of concealing the fact that it expected to spend 10 billion pounds ($13 billion) on a now-scrapped plan to deport thousands of asylum seekers to Rwanda.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer's new government scrapped the plan after comfortably winning an election this month.

Home Secretary Yvette Cooper told parliament that taxpayers had already spent 700 million pounds on chartering flights that never took off, payments to the Rwandan government and many hours of civil servants' work, among other things.

She said that since her appointment as home secretary two weeks ago, she had reviewed the "policies, programmes and legislation that we have inherited", adding: "It is the most shocking waste of taxpayers' money that I have ever seen."

The previous Conservative government had announced in 2022 that it would put an end to asylum seekers arriving on small boats by sending those who arrived in Britain without permission to Rwanda.

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But legal challenges have prevented anyone being sent to east Africa except for four individuals who went under a voluntary scheme.

Parliament's spending watchdog in March estimated it would cost at least 600 million pounds to deport just 300 refugees to Rwanda - a tiny fraction of the more than 15,000 asylum seekers who have arrived on England's southern coast this year alone.

James Cleverly, the former Conservative home secretary, accused Cooper in parliament of using "made-up numbers", but provided no evidence or alternative costings.

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Cooper also said tens of thousands of asylum seekers left in limbo and at risk of deportation would now have their claims processed.

She said the government would also reverse a provision in the Illegal Migration Act that has barred anyone arriving illegally since March last year from being granted asylum.

Instead, the government promised to end the costly use of hotels to accommodate asylum seekers, and clear the backlog of claims.

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Cooper said the changes would save taxpayers an estimated 7 billion pounds over the next 10 years.

The question of how to stop asylum seekers crossing the Channel from France had been a theme of the election campaign.

While the previous Conservative government said its plan would put people traffickers out of business, critics called it immoral and unworkable.

Last November, the UK Supreme Court declared the policy unlawful, saying Rwanda could not be considered a safe third country, prompting the government to pass another law to enable it to override the court's assessment.

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Reporting by Andrew MacAskill; editing by William James, Sachin Ravikumar and Kevin Liffey

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

[Rwanda Forum] Rwanda: quand un hutu de service est réduit au rôle de " Sous-Ministre" charge de fabriquer des Fake News. Cas du Petit-fils Ngurube.

Ngo " Nta murozi wabuze umukarabya". OJPN afite RFI RDC: imbroglio autour de l'accueil de six Rwandais jugés pour génocide RDC...

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