[Rwanda Forum] Re: [rwandanet] The Roots of Rwanda’s Genocide | by Helen Epstein | The New York Review of Books

Mr Nzinink

And there RIGHT you go! ........ to THE ROOTS !!!!!  the roots of the western misjudgments and our own WRONGdoing? and we need a western journalist to peel the onion of or history!

Did really failed to grasp? and more importantly, what did we, ourselves failed to grasp? what were the PROMISES OF THE REVOLUTION and their outcomes?

HISTORIANS DO NOT MAKE HISTORY, INVESTIGATORS ARE NOT MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM DECONSTRUCTORS OR DEMONSTRATORS, until we cease to be the laboratory pigs (from guinea or elsewhere) or rats, we will keep mistaking the "climbing plants" for the roots of our problem tree.

What is RIGHT with miss WRONG's book you might ask me (dare you?) she takes the lesser travelled route of the Western ......., I leave to the accused to provide their WRONG reductionist's laundry list .

WHAT DID YOU MEAN TO SAY, BY POSTING THIS PUBLICATION? are we condemned to be the subjects and witnesses of our Makuza's historians and investigators? 

Commonly called "Mortehan reform" the wide reorganization of Rwanda undertaken by Belgians, occupied the period starting around 1926 up to 1933. it brought in deph transformation in the country on political, administrative, economic, social and cultural levels. It particularly gave Rwanda new administrative structures conferred to custom authorities that were devoted to colonization; it did not hesitate to destitute king Yuhi V Musinga and replace him with his son, Mutara II Rudahigwa. In terms of economy, this was the period during which the general mobilization took place and it was marked by the introduction and the spreading of plants for export and new food producing plants. There was also construction of administrative posts and missions, and reforestation as well etc. On social and culture aspects, Rwanda fully adopted Christianity, following the example of the king who later on consecrated country to Christ the King. At the same time, the Belgium administration undertook the policy of ethnic manipulation, which privileged Tutsi elites against Hutu. This was done on recommendation of Apostolic Vicar Bishop Léon. The germs of divisions among Rwandans started producing their fruits thus hatred penetrated deep into society and caused the Tutsi genocide, which started in 1959 and reached its climax in 1994.

These were not roots either, just overgrown ones!

Pierre qui amasse mousse en roulant!

On Friday, May 21, 2021, 11:36:08 p.m. EDT, 'Nzi Nink' via rwandanet <rwandanet@googlegroups.com> wrote:

The Roots of Rwanda's Genocide


"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.

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