[Rwanda Forum] Niger: President Mohamed Bazoum To Expel Rwandans Allegedly Under Pressure From France and Rwanda

French President Emmanuel Macron proposed to use the Rwandan troops, given their promoted performance in Mozambique, South Sudan, and Central African Republic, but as importantly, the need for secrecy and for not exposing the French troops in an area where they are not welcome. France is then to  help in convincing Paul Kagame and would provide enough funds for the  operations.   

President Mohamed Bazoum  found  the proposition brilliant. French President  Emmanual Macron then  invited General Paul Kagame to dicuss the proposition of  sending the Rwandan troops and special forces into Niger. Some of the special forces fnished the training in mid December 2021.

From there, the execution of the plan went as follows:

  • French President Emmanuel Macron organized a sudden short visit of General Paul Kagame to Paris, France between December  19-21, 2021. 
  • Then, on December 20, 2021, French President Emmanuel Macron and General Paul Kagame held a discussion in Paris. Unexpectedly, General Paul Kagame raised a condition: expelling the 8 Rwandans from Niger, without delay
  • Immediately, Emmanuel Macron and Paul Kagame called  Mohamed Bazoum  to submit the condition. He immediately accepted, without any condition.  
  • A week later, on December 27,  2021, the decision to expel the 8 Rwandans was made public. 

What is next:  
  •  Will Rwandan troops  deploy secretely into Niger and  help stop insecurity, secure the government and administration of  Mohamed Bazoum  and  protect the  French Government's  interests in the region?
  • WIll the United Nations Organization and the International Criminal Tribunal allow Niger Mohamed Bazoum's government to break the agreement signed just a month earlier and to expel the 8 Rwandans?
  • What will be the fate of the 8 Rwandans, who have been found innocent or freed by the International Criminal Tribunal (ICTR), after decades of controversial trials and detention?  Will be they forced into Rwanda, where they almost certainly face mistreatment, prison, or death?

AfroAmerica Network  is still following the story.

© 2021 AfroAmerica Network


"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.

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Re: [Rwanda Forum] Procès historique RDC vs Rwanda: Kagame face à la justice à Arusha, Tanzanie

Ndabona udakurikira. Niba ugera ibwami ubitohoze urasanga ari ukuri.  ### "Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those fe...

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