[Rwanda Forum] Re: Niko bimeze!


Ubwire the Rwandan New Times ijye ibeshya abahinde (n'ubwo na bo batakibeshyeka)!

Micomyiza applied but was denied citizenship in Sweden because he is politically active.

For your info:

A refugee is a person who has fled from their own country due to human rights abuses they have suffered there because of who they are or what they believe in, and whose own government cannot or will not protect them. As a result, they have been forced to seek international protection (http://www.amnesty.org/en/refugees-and-migrants/rights-of-refugees-and-migrants)

That's why obtaining citizenship/permanent resident status from a host country does not alleviate such a risk for persecution upon their return to their country of origin. As long as the reasons that pushed them to become refugees persist in their countries of origin (as it is indeed the case in Rwanda; please refer to the cessation clause that is now on a prolonged hold), these people will not feel safe returning home or getting along with officials from their native countries.
That's why, according to UNHCR , it is not surprising that many of these people will become politically active while in exile because campaigning for change in their country of origin may, indeed, be the only way of increasing the chances of being able to return home eventually

Political Rights of Refugees

from page14:
B. Participation in Political Organisations with a Peaceful Agenda
48. Given the reasons for which individuals become refugees, it is unsurprising that many of them will become politically active while in exile. Campaigning for change in their country of origin may, indeed, be the only way of increasing the chances of being able to return home eventually. 
In general, participation in such politicalorganisations is guaranteed by a refugee's human rights, in particular the right to freedom of expression and association. If the situation were otherwise the "oppressive system in their country of origin would be watertight". Such organisations are entitled to carry out a wide range of activities, including publicising their views through the media, holding peaceful demonstrations46 and sending representatives to highlight their concerns before governments and international organisations.
Moreover, host State toleration of, or indeed support for such organisations will not place that State at risk of violating its obligations against any State whose authorities are the subject of the group's criticism.
49. Similarly, refugees are entitled to join organisations concerned with domestic politics in the host State, for example those that wish to promote the position of foreigners in society. The fact that refugees do not have the right to vote or stand in elections does not mean that they have no right to express their views on matters of concern in the country in which they reside.
C. Participation in Organisations which Promote Hatred or War
50. However, where political organisations are involved in spreading hatred of a particular group on national, racial or religious grounds such as to constitute incitement to violence or discrimination, the host State is obliged under Article 20 of the ICCPR to prevent them from doing so.
A similar obligation exists where a political group advocates a war of aggression contrary to the restriction on the use of force in the UN Charter.There is no violation of the refugee's rights if he or she is prohibited from joining such organisations.

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.

On Apr 2, 2022, at 1:18 AM, chris walters <cwalters28739@hotmail.com> wrote:

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