[Rwanda Forum] Consider this! “Survivors Uncensored”

Consider this! "Survivors Uncensored"

"Today, a simplified version of the history of the Rwandan Genocide has spread around the world and is widely embraced as the official narrative." Through this book, courageous Rwandese who lived through this horrific time deliver more than 100 testimonies – their personal "experiences" and not opinion. These untold stories breath fresh air into the history of the genocide and expose perpetrators of these heinous crimes, including how "the genocide has been weaponized by the government of Rwanda to silence anyone who may speak up about crimes committed by the RPF".

Ribara Uwariraye – when survivors are "uncensored" and are given platforms to speak their truth, earth trembles and the sky expands. It opens wide like never before to deliver light to earth. May your truth reach all corners of the world; the farthest reaches. May it penetrate to the inner hearts of humans. And may the long-awaited justice arrive immediately; and may all, deservingly, find healing!

The world is a more hopeful place because you all have the courage to tuck away your pain and show up for your unapologetic truths – I salute you all! Claude Gatebuke

The book is available on Amazon!

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.

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