Joseph Matata, Christophe Tuvugishukuri, CORWABEL ASBL, Jambo ..... et toi-même êtes toujours les principaux abonnés à tes livraisons?

Tu ne peus vraiment pas ajouter quoi que ce soit surt ce que Makuza a dit en ..............2016?

Le génocide est imprescriptible,  mas ceux qui le proclament? they were NEW RNC (WHERE THEY ALREADY  P (5 or less?)

Lyarahoze dirait pluto Ishyaka ly'ISHYAKWE ...... (ont-ils le droit dévétu au conseil de ses curités?)

  IHURIRO NYARWANDA RISHYA (les pompiers sont-ils finalement venus?)   Washington D.C., USA  14th September, 2016   

Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa   Chairman

 Joseph Ngarambe   Vice Chairman

 Jonathan Musonera  Secretary

C'ETAIT QUAND VOTRE PREMIERE FOIS Mr Niyimike? (même pour la seconde fois l'ami Zac Biampa risque de te contredire,)

NOTHING IS PERMANENT  BUT...........CHANGE (how about you Mista, Nothing or No change?)
On Tuesday, June 22, 2021, 12:48:32 p.m. EDT, Michel Niyibizi <niyimike@yahoo.fr> wrote:






Washington D.C., USA

14th September, 2016


Since 1994, Rwanda and the international community invested tremendous resources in acknowledging, documenting, remembering and bringing to justice the perpetrators of the genocide against Tutsi. Sadly, though well documented by the international community and known by the victims, there has never been an acknowledgement that the crimes committed against the Rwandan Hutu fully satisfy the definition of genocide according to the Genocide Convention of 1948. A combination of a victor's justice, a reign of impunity, and a guilty international community has led to a scandalous conspiracy of silence as a means to deny genocide against the Hutu.

The New Rwanda National Congress has, after a long and careful deliberation decided to rise to the historic responsibility of naming the crimes committed against the Rwandan Hutu in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo by their rightful name, genocide. Compelling evidence demonstrates beyond reasonable doubt that members of the Hutu community were deliberately and systematically killed; that conditions were inflicted on them calculated to bring about their physical destruction in whole or in part; and that serious bodily and mental harm has been caused to them.

In the interest of Rwanda's current and future generations, it is equally our duty and obligation to name the masterminds of the genocide against the Rwanda Hutu. From its founding in 1990 until now, the Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI) of the Rwanda Patriotic Army (now Rwanda Defence Forces) has been the vanguard of decisions and actions that have brought untold suffering to Rwandans and peoples of the Great Lakes region. The primary command culpability for genocide against Rwandan Hutu lies with the following military officers, all Tutsi, who have been at the heart of DMI's genocidal agenda:

1.      President Paul Kagame: President of Rwanda

2.      Lt. General Kayumba Nyamwasa: First, Vice Coordinator Rwanda National Congress

3.      Lt. General James Kabarebe: Minister of Defence, Rwanda

4.      Lt. General Charles Kayonga: Rwanda's Ambassador to China

5.      Lt. General Patrick Nyamvumba: Chief of Defence Forces, Rwanda

6.      Lt. General Karenzi Karake: Advisor to the President, Rwanda

7.      Lt. General Fred Ibingira: Reserve Chief of Staff, RDF, Rwanda

8.      Major General Sam Kaka: Retired

9.      Major General Jack Nziza: Chief Inspector, Ministry of Defence

10.  Major General Emmanuel Gasana: Chief of Police, Rwanda

11.  Colonel Dan Munyuza: Deputy Chief of Police, Rwanda

These military officials were responsible for the shooting down of the plane in which President Juvenal Habyalimana of Rwanda and President Cyprien Ntaryamira of Burundi were killed, triggering the genocide against Tutsi. Many officers and men of Rwanda Patriotic Army/Rwanda Defence Forces have been tools of this clique in unleashing war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide on Rwandan Hutu in Rwanda and across the Democratic Republic of Congo, as documented by various reports, including the U.N. Mapping Report on DRC of 2010.

The New Rwanda National Congress calls upon all Rwandan people to painfully sermon the will and courage to acknowledge and remember both the genocide against Tutsi and the genocide against Hutu. In doing so, we shall finally begin the long and difficult journey of authentic unity, reconciliation, forgiveness and healing founded on truth.

We call upon the international community to bring to justice the perpetrators of genocide against the Rwandan Hutu as provided for by the 1948 Genocide Convention. The cry for justice by the Rwandan Hutu has gone on for too long without redress. It has been a typical case of justice delayed, but it cannot be justice denied forever. The reign of impunity and terror under the militarist genocidal clique that has ruled Rwanda since 1994 has already caused too much human suffering in Rwanda and the Great Lakes region. Failure to force these elements to account for their crimes simply makes the international community an accomplice in perpetuating impunity and the vicious cycles of war, war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide in Rwanda and the region.

The New Rwanda National Congress will be convening the First International Conference on Genocide Against Rwanda Hutu, 9-11 December, 2016, Capitol Hill, Washington D.C, USA, to deliberate on the implications and follow up on this matter of highest historic significance.


Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa



Joseph Ngarambe

Vice Chairman


Jonathan Musonera


[Rwanda Forum] Verba volant scripta manent!

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[Rwanda Forum] Amakuru yo mu karere.


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[Rwanda Forum] Fw: Averissement aux Ru-Mu-Nga

----- Message transmis -----
De : Zac Biampa <zac.biampa@yahoo.fr>
À : Joseph Ngarambe <jngarambe2000@yahoo.fr>; Sixbert Musangamfura <sixbert.musangamfura@gmail.com>
Envoyé : mardi 22 juin 2021, 17:30:15 UTC+1
Objet : Averissement aux Ru-Mu-Nga

Mon collaborateur me demande de vous faire parvenir le message suivant:

"Pauvres RuMuNga ( les deux derniers que sont Mu et Nga)!

Il paraît que dans la course vers l'audimat pour votre calebasse " Ishakwe" de même nom que votre groupuscule que vous appelez pompeusement " Parti politique", vous en êtes réduits à plagier et à recycler les émissions des autres médias plus sérieux et plus écoutés que votre calebasse et cela en contradiction avec toutes les règles de l'art en la matière notamment le " Copyright".

Dans vos délires, vous qualifiez Gaspard Musabyimana et Emmanuel Neretse de " Imfubyi za Habyarimana" ( orphelins de Habyarimana). En affirmantt cela vous croyiez les blesser outre mesure. Laissez-nous vous dire qu'ils en sont fiers et qu'ils regrettent la disparition du Père de la Nation, de l'Humaniste et Démocrate feu le Président Juvénal Habyarimana d'heureuse mémoire.

Contrairement à vous qui ne serez pas fiers d'être appelés les orphelins du dictateur tutsi venu d'Ouganda Kagome que vous avez servi et servez encore.

En effet, même avant la conquête du pays par la horde tutsi issue de l'armée de l'Ougande et à sa tête Paul Kagome, un certain Sixbert Musangamfura était un agent de renseignement de bas échelon( Maneko uciriritse) du FPR sous la couverture d'un petit journal nommé " Isibo". Après sa prise du pouvoir en juillet 1994, le FPR a promu le petit agent de renseignement Sixbert Musangamfura qui devint officiellement et ouvertement Chef du Service des Renseignements du nouveau régime, fonctions qu'il exerce toujours mais non plus comme chef et sous une autre couverture.

Quant à Joseph Ngarambe, lui n'aura jamais même l'opportunité de se réclamer du FPR de Kagome qu'il a pourtant servi depuis 1991 et jusque maintenant. Pour la simple raison qu'à l'époque, était chargé de la sale besogne que personne ne peut revendiquer publiquement. En effet comme chef d'une des milices du FPR qu'il accollait à ses partis satellites de l'intérieur, Joseph Ngarambe à la tête des " Abakombozi" du PSD commettait des assassinats et attentats terroristes au Rwanda et surtout amenait au QG du FPR à Mulindi ces jeunes miliciens pour les entraînements militaires sous couvert des rencontres sportives avec ceux du FPR. Bien plus, après sa prise du pouvoir en 1994, le FPR l'embaucha sur place pour un temps avant de le détacher à l'extérieur du pays pour continuer ses sales besognes. C'est ainsi que ses armoires et garde-robes chez lui à Lille en France sont bourrées de cadravres dont il devra répondre un jour. Et pour faire diversion, il sévit sur le net à travers la calebasse dite " Ishakwe".

Que les deux des RuMuNga sachent que le plagiat et une infraction et que la réaction immédiate quand il est constaté est de demander et exiger au diffuseur de retirer le plagiat en ligne. Ceci va se faire systématiquement contre " Ishakwe" chez Youtube. Et en cas de récidive et persistance, des mesures judiciaires seront envisagées contre les sinistres " RuMuNga" ( moins Ru).

A bon entendeur, Salut!"

[Rwanda Forum] Re: [rwandanet] Rive Gauche (ce mardi 22 juin 2021) : Left is Right and Right is Wrong - Mbilia Bel - Nakei Naïrobi ("El Alambre") !

On Tuesday, June 22, 2021, 02:54:28 a.m. EDT, Habimana Murayi <bnt.gml@gmail.com> wrote:

Let's face it, boys and girls, Republicans and Democrats, Independents and Dependents, we're all Alice, and we've slipped through the Looking Glass into a world where up is down, left is right, and right is wrong.
In England, they drive on the left. In Europe, they drive on the right (except Belgium, where they drive in the middle).
Some English think the others are wrong because they drive on the right instead of the left, but maybe they've never left England where it's right to drive on the left and wrong to go on the right.
The others might be right in thinking the English are wrong for driving on the left since they drive on the right which is wrong in England right now, but if they've left for England then the right side to be on is left.
In England they'll find, that since left is the right side to be on, and to be on the right side is wrong, there's a left wing party in power since the right wing lost last time.
Now the right wing's trying to drive the left wing out, but they're getting it wrong right now as some lost right wingers are flying down the middle which would be wrong anywhere (except in Belgium, but they're still right whingers.).
To continue this little rite could lead to paranoia (involving both the left and right lobes) which would be very wrong for my political balance. Frankly, I don't care who is wrong or right as long as I can stand up for my rights and not get left behind.
Rive Gauche !

La chanson des saints Pierre et Paul 2021

Mbilia Bel - Nakei Naïrobi ("El Alambre") [Clip Officiel]

La chanson des saints Pierre et Paul 2021

Mbilia Bel - Nakei Naïrobi ("El Alambre") [Clip Officiel]

Rive Gauche !
« L'homme, à mon avis, se perfectionne par la confiance. Par la confiance seulement. Jamais le contraire. » ― [Mustafaj]
Abatabizi bicwa no kutabimenya.


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"On the weekend of June 19th, Karasira was moved to an unknown location with the claim that he contracted Coronavirus. Readers and defenders of global justice worldwide should be worried about this. Karasira has been quarantined for the last three weeks in a jail cell by himself, begging the question of how and where he picked up the virus. Those who have a working knowledge of the injustices of the Kagame regime understand this news is likely grim. The government might have detained Karasira to a torture chamber. It's also possible that they plan on assassinating him and covering up the death as a coronavirus death. His safety has been in danger for years now, but he may be in much greater danger of being assassinated with this claim", Claude Gatebuke in BlackstarNews


"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.

[Rwanda Forum] Watch "Ndi Padiri kandi narokokeye aha: Nkubwire Umugambi w'Ibanga hagati ya Kiliziya na Perezida Kayibanda" on YouTube


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[Rwanda Forum] Re: Police Discover Skull Inside Nairobi-bound Bus from Rwanda

Muri Bus ya compagnie yitwa TRINITY yari ivuye i Kigali igiye I Nairobi umunyarwanda yafatanywe ibihanga bitatu by'abantu ku mupaka wa K...

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