On behalf of members of ISHEMA Party and on behalf of all Rwandans, we would like to welcome the United States (US) Secretary of State, Hon Antony BLINKEN to the country of a thousand hills, Rwanda.

On this occasion, it is imperative to raise some important issues faced by our people because of lack of good governance, violations of human rights, lack of an open political space, which, if not well managed are driving the country and the whole region into a chaotic end. The American government has played a major role in supporting the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) despite its liberticide and warmongering nature in the Great Lakes region. While the RPF has a heavy responsibility, its partners, and donors such as the US cannot escape the public judgement. To confront these ills and correct what is popularly seen as mistakes of the past, a call to act is sent to the American People as well as to all the international community.

  1. From October 1990 Rwanda was involved in an armed conflict originated from Uganda, a country that supported the cause of refugees who claimed their rights to participate in political life of their motherland. The failure to consider all important factors, and implications of that war culminated in the 1994 genocide that took millions of lives and drove others in exile creating more refugees.
  2. Despite the unequivocal and unreserved support from the US government, the RPF missed the most important points in healing and re-building the nation, to which any political actor should aspire in the aftermath of a tragedy such as genocide. Instead, all diplomatic, financial, and political assistance was used to track, kill, and fabricate legal charges to annihilate real and perceived opponents. The regime inthronized terror and a police state violating all basic, civic, and political rights. The US government keeps silent and refuses to reason its strongest ally, Paul KAGAME.
  3. As a result, 30 years after, Rwandans have a feeling to be at the eve of 1990. The number of Rwandan refugees is estimated at more than a million, and the regime has rejected any initiative[1] for political dialogue to find a peaceful solution to the predicament.  
  1. The Constitution of 2003 that provided for presidential terms limit has been manipulated to allow Mr KAGAME to overstay in power until 2034, and to add insult to injury, the president has recently announced that he would stay in power for more 20 years[1], revealing an intention to trample with the Constitution again.
  2. In meanwhile, the RPF used all means possible to control the political space and exclude political actors perceived as threats. Dr Theoneste NIYITEGEKA is languishing in prison for having dared to announce his intention to run for president's office. Mrs Victoire INGABIRE UMUHOZA, Mr Bernard NTAGANDA, Miss Diane RWIGARA were unjustly sent in jail for trying to run against Mr KAGAME. In 2016 and 2017 the delegation of ISHEMA Party was refused entry in Rwanda to participate in 2017 presidential elections[2].
  3. It should be recalled that today Rwanda counts about 50 political and civil society organizations in exile, the highest number in the world, and that inside the country, the most recent registration of a political organization was allowed in 2009 despite numerous pending requests.
  4. In meanwhile records of the RPF in terms of respect of human rights keep worsening horrendously. Looking at the trends presented in the annual reports produced by US Department of State, it is less probable that the RPF will be forced to change its behaviour by reports. Every new year, new crimes are committed making the old ones forgotten. In 2020, the RPF kidnapped Mr Paul RUSESABAGINA an American legal resident and Belgian citizen, tortured him before sentencing him to 25 years in prison through sham legal procedures. That took place after Mr Kizito MIHIGO was arrested in the South of the country and mysteriously was found dead in a police cell in Kigali. All calls for independent investigation[3] into circumstances of that death went unanswered by the regime. The year 2021 was characterized by a series of arrests targeting journalists, political activists, and youtubers. The US government is dragging feet instead of taking strong measures against its strong ally, Mr KAGAME, even when an American resident's life is at stake.

Rwanda has been accused of involvement in destabilization of peace in the East of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and all material evidence as well as first eye testimonies confirm the looting of natural resources orchestrated by, and in interests of Rwandan current regime. Thousands of civilian lives have perished, and survivors have lost their homes despite the presence of UN peacekeeping mission. The

  1. US government is aware of all the situation, we are yet to see tangible actions of the Nation whose national motto is "In God We Trust".
  2. In Kigali Mr BLINKEN will discuss these and other matters with high officials of the government. It would be too naïve to think that this time the US is going to dare raising tone in front of Mr KAGAME or that the RPF leaders would give in easily after three decades of getting away with numerous crimes including genocides[1]. Every keen observer would anticipate the readiness on behalf of Kigali to sacrifice anything to protect the status quo, hence, they will bring to the table unthinkable proposals susceptible to keep the American complicity on their side. The American government has a moral responsibility to stand for human rights and democratic values, inter alia, and should desist any cooperation with liberticide regimes.
  3. The partnership between USA and Rwanda cannot be reduced to partnership between the two countries' leaders, rather between the two nations. In fact, leaders come and go but the nations remain.  For this reason, this trip would make sense if and only if:
  • The political opposition's inputs could be considered during discussions concerning Rwanda. While in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Mr BLINKEN will find time to discuss with the opposition, it is unclear as to why a meeting with Rwandan opposition is not on his schedule. Since most of us are forced into exile, the Secretary of State should make special efforts to meet with key opposition leaders, Mrs Victoire INGABIRE and Mr Bernard NTAGANDA who will be present in Rwanda during that moment.
  • Special measures could be put in place to facilitate:
  • An immediate release of political prisoners, prisoners of opinion, journalists
  • Rehabilitation of political prisoners to allow them to enjoy their political rights and freedom
  • Opening the political space to allow an effective multiparty system, and dissent.
  • Unconditional acceptance of return of Rwandan political opposition and civil society organizations from exile
  • Organization and patronization of the highly inclusive intra-Rwandan dialogue to shape the socioeconomic and political future of our country.
  • Necessary measures for repatriation of all refugees

ISHEMA Party remains committed and open to further exchanges on matters arising in cooperation between our two nations.

Long live the people of Rwanda

Long live the people of the United States of America

Long live the Rwanda -US cooperation based on respect of democracy and human rights.

Done at Montreal on 5th of August 2022

Nadine Claire KASINGE

President of ISHEMA Party

Presidential Candidate for 2024 elections

Press release PDF FORMAT

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.

[Rwanda Forum] Re: Pourtant, le Président du Burundi Evariste Ndayishimiye a tout à fait raison

Mr Niyibizi,

Il existé une emission (je ne sais pas si elle existe toujours) qui s'appellait "ça se discute" mais votre posting à vous est "discutable" par lui-même, est ce votre opinion? citez vous quelqu'un? pourquoi votre citoyeneté belge serait moins discutable que la citoyeneté Azarias Ruberwa ou Bizima(na) Karaha(muheto)? le probleme ne serait-il pas dans le chef de ceux qui octroient cette citoyeneté?

Pourquoi La belgique qui t'a octroyé sa citoyeneté n'a pas reglé celle des congolais d'origine du Burundi ou du Rwanda habitant les hauteurs de Minembwe quand ils avaient encore la charge d'administrer ce grand territoire

Le Rwanda et le Burundi étaient sous tutelle de la belgique, le mandat lui donné par les nations unies n'a-il pas souffert des mêmes carences que celles qui ont améné le Congo à l'indépendance?

Si l'ambassaseur Jean-Marie-Vianey Ndayijimana compte sur des ouvriers comme vous, son pont ne sera jamais construit, l'actuel administration Rwandaise devra sa longevité à la gestion anticipative de sa charge, les autorités qui l'ont précédé en ont fait l'amère experience.

Mr le commissaire, si je comprend bien la polémique sur "la danse" du président Ndayishimiye, elle ne devrait pas avoir lieu, le président est méneur de revue, pas danseur

Du choc des idées jaillit la lumière, quid du gaargouilli de nos états d'ame?

P.S.: Je ne sais toujours pas comment vos postings me parviennent par le truchement de ces  adresses email  cliir2004@yahoo.fr  , psj_survivors@yahoo.com , corwabel@gmail.com , jamboasbl@gmail.com , niyimike@yahoo.fr  by  Blind carbon copy?
On Friday, August 5, 2022 at 09:07:27 a.m. EDT, Michel Niyibizi <niyimike@yahoo.fr> wrote:

"Neva entre dans la danse!"
Récemment , le Président du Burundi et Président en exercice de l'East African
Community a affimé que l' apparition d'une communauté, tribu ou ethnie appellée "
Banyamulenge" datait tout au plus de 1996.
Réagissant au propos du Président Evariste Ndayishimiye, un activiste et propagandiste
du régime de Kagame et agent des services de renseignements du FPR/APR, l'armée
monoethnique tutsi du Rwanda, a reproduit des tweets se moquant et même menaçant le
Chef de l'Etat du Burundi. C'est sous le titre " Neva entre dans la danse" que ce
propagandiste tutsi a étalé les réactions souvent mêlées d'insultes au propos du Président
Ndayishimiye, dont voici l'échantillon:
Pourtant, le Président du Burundi Evariste Ndayishimiye a tout à fait raison et il n'est
pas le premier à denoncer la supercherie sur le mythe des "Banyamulenge". Des
politologues, ethnologues, antropologues et des historiens qui ont plaché sur ce concept
" Banyamulenge" apparu en 1996, ont été uninimes dans sa démystification. Celui qui
en a parlé le plus profondément et qui a publié des manuels qui font autorité sur ce
mythe c'est feu Honoré Ngbanda Nzambo Ko Atumba ancien Conseiller Spécial du
Président, Ministre de la Défense et ancien Chef du Service des Rensignements du
Zaire. Il fut aussi Président-Fondateur du parti le plus nationaliste du pays: APARECO.
Comme l'ont démontré les chercheurs, historiens, le vocable " Banyamulenge" est
apparu dans l'opinion et la presse en octobre 1996 quand l'armée de Paul Kagame qui
venait de conquérir le Rwanda, a entamé sa deuxième mission, à savoir conquérir le
Zaire. C'est ainsi que les combattants tutsi dont ses commanditaires ( USA, UK,
Belgique) venaient de présenter comme une nébuleuse AFDLCongo-Zaire et à leur tête
Laurent Désiré Kabila déniché à Dar-Es -Sallam, ont lancé pour justifier la conqueête
notamment du Sud Kivu ( Bukavu et localités diverses) comme une révolte d'une ethnie
appelée" Banyamulenge" qui estimait avoir été opprimée sous le régime du Maréchal
Tout cela pour dissimiler leur identité de "Tutsi" comme si elle leur faisait honte. Mais
ce faisant les inventeurs du terme " Banyamulenge" pour ne pas dire clairement les
Tutsi; se sont ridiculisés et continuent à l'être car cette supercherie ne résiste devant
aucune logique sociologique ou historique surtout au Congo ou cohabitent plus de 400
( quatre cents ) communautés , tribus ou ethnies différentes.
– Ceux qui se disent " Banyamulenge" depuis 1996, ne peuvent pas prouver que
dans tout le Congo, il a existé ou existe une région ou un royaume, un territoire 
appelé "Mulenge". – Ils ne peuvent pas affirmer que leur langue maternelle pratiquée de parents à enfants est le " Kinyamulenge" qui n'a jamais été pratiqué au Congo-Zaire. – Il ne peuvent pas dire quelle dynastie régnante chez les soi-disants Banyamulenge et comment les Bami ou Chefs coutumiers acuels se sont succédés. Ce que chaque tribu ou communauté au Congo possède et qui fonde son histoire et son identité. Les Bafulelo, les Bashi, les Babembe... au Sud Kivu ont tous leurs Mwami et dont l'arbre généalogique est connu et même enseigné aux jeunes. Au Nord Kivu les hutu majoritaires dans Rutshuru scandent à qui veut les entendre que le nom dynastique de leur Mwami est Ndeze. De même pour le Hunde de Masisi dont le nom dynastique du Mwami est Kalinda. A Minova au Sud de Goma au bord du Lac Kivu règne un Mwami qui s'appelle Sangara de père à fils. Il en est de même pour les Nande majoritaires dans la région de Butembo et Beni... – Bien plus, c'est après leur apparition comme l'une des trubus congolaises faisant la guerre dans l'AFDL et leur médiatisation durant la guerre qui a chassé le Maréchal Mobutu pour le remplacer par Laurent Désiré Kabila, qu'ils abandonneront l'appellation de "tutsi originaires du Rwanda ayant acquis la nationalité zairoisecongolaise". Et en mai 1996 quand un tutsi rwando-ougandais James Kabarebe deviendra Chef d'Etat-Major des Armées Congolaises à Kinshasa, d'autres tutsi sous le nouveau label de " Banyamulenge" se partageront des postes importants au nouveau gouvernement. Sans parler des centaines de " Généraux, Colonels, Majors..." Banyamulenge qui furent intégrés dans les Forces Armées de la RDC. Ainsi, un certain Bizima Karaha sera Ministre des Affaires Etrangères, Azarias Ruberwa, Ministre de l'Intérieur et de la Decentralisation, puis Vice-Présdient de la République, Moise Nyarugabo, Ministre, gouverneur puis Député national. Or ces " mystérieux Banyamulenge" qui se disent descendants des ancêtres du même nom qui auraient vécu au Congo depuis des siècles, étaient arrivés au Congo au début des années 1960 comme "des réfugies tutsi rwandais demandeurs d'asile". Le Bizima Karaha qui était encore étudiant en médecine en Afrique du Sud en 1996, était encore boursier du HCR. Même le plus ancien que lui Azarias Ruberwa avait pu entrer à la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Lubumbashi grâce au HCR comme refugié tutsi rwandais au Zaire. Les données sur son identifications sont du domaine public et sont consultables dans les archives de l'Université de Lubumbashi. On se demande alors comment les descendants d'une tribu congolaise connue depuis des siècles puissent être subitement dans les années 60-70 devenir des demadeurs l'asile dans le même pays en se disant "réfugiés tutsi rwandais" et être reconnus par le HCR comme tels. Et maintenant ces mêmes anciens réfugiés tutsi rwandais, se réclament d'une ethnie qu'ils ont créée en 1996 à laquelle ils ont donné le nom de " Banyamulenge"!



The Social Party Imberakuri is closely following the visit of the US Secretary of State and would like to inform the public opinion, particularly American opinion, its great concerns.

According to the public statement from the office of the US Assistant Secretary in charge of Africa Affairs, the US Secretary of State; Antony J.Blinken will soon travel to Rwanda where he will meet with government officials and civil societies' members to discuss various issues.

To our utter astonishment, the Rwandan opposition leaders are not included among people who will meet with him while the latter are the vibrant actors who play a great role for the better of any modern society and the US Department of State is in a good position to know this.
As a matter of fact, if the Rwandan opposition leaders are excluded from his agenda, we are of the view that the Secretary of State will never get deep and balanced information about what is going on in Rwanda, particularly regarding issues of human rights abuses, lack of democracy, opposition leaders and journalists' repression and lack of good governance.

It is not a secret. All these people who will meet with him are not from independent institutions since those institutions are under full control of the ruling party, the Rwandan Patriotic Front and it is obvious that they will have fear to tell him the truth. Besides, excluding opposition leaders from meeting with the Secretary of State would create a bad precedent that can undoubtedly tarnish the image of the USA as the country that champions democracy but also it belittles the Rwandan opposition leaders and this will encourage the Rwandan Government to continue its repression against them. More important, meeting with the opposition leaders would be a golden occasion for the US Secretary of State to hear directly the testimony from Rwandan opposition leaders regarding their pathetic story of unmerited suffering that they are currently undergoing.

The Rwandan opposition leaders believe that the USA is a role model in respect of democracy and to maintain this privileged status it should always behave differently from the autocratic regimes which only deal with dictatorial leaders and totally ignore opposition leaders as well as turning a blind eye to gross violations of human rights whenever they pay visit to those dictators in order to maintain what they call bilateral cooperation and doing so under the pretext of their self-made principle of ''no interference in interior affairs''. Consequently, in our humble opinion, if the US Secretary of State won't meet with the Rwandan genuine opposition leaders this may imply that the USA espouses in practice this principle developed by the regimes of China and Russia that it labels as autocratic. What hypocrisy!

From the above concerns, we are calling on the Secretary of State to revise his agenda in order to include the Rwandan opposition leaders among people he will meet with during his stay in Rwanda. Obviously, it is a big discrepancy to plan to discuss issues regarding limiting space for dissent and political opposition and exclude the Rwandan opposition leaders from discussion while they are direct victims of these heinous action from the Rwandan Government.

Done at Kigali, on August 5, 2022
Maître NTAGANDA Bernard
Founding President of the Social Party Imberakuri Candidate for Presidential Elections of 2024 (Sé)

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.

[Rwanda Forum] Legal Battle Over Florida’s Big Tech Censorship Law May Impact Future of Free Speech on Social Media

Legal Battle Over Florida's Big Tech Censorship Law May Impact Future of Free Speech on Social Media

Legal Battle Over Florida's Big Tech Censorship Law May Impact Future of Free Speech on Social Media

The logo of social media giant Twitter on Oct. 12, 2021. (KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV/AFP via Getty Images)

News Analysis

Recent controversies stoked by alleged efforts of leading tech platforms to ban or "de-platform" content on political grounds—which some claim was behind Twitter's temporary blocking last week of all links to articles running in The Epoch Times—have prompted fresh debate over the legal rights of users of these platforms and what the First Amendment does, and does not, guarantee.

In the view of some legal experts, while the spirit of the First Amendment unmistakably favors freedom of expression, its explicit language leaves those who have been banned or blocked with little legal recourse, calling for new approaches, including potentially an antitrust case against the tech companies whose dominance is so entrenched that they shape public discourse in a putatively free society.

SB 7072's Uncertain Fate

Some people have eagerly awaited the outcome of an ongoing case, NetChoice v. Moody, in which tech and social media companies represented by the trade association NetChoice have challenged a Florida law, SB 7072, which sought to bar the platforms from censoring content from any candidates running for statewide or national office. While the litigation pertains to the rights specifically of Florida users of social media platforms, it has gained national attention and support in other states, and is closely watched by tech companies around the country.

Introduced partly in response to the decision of Facebook and Twitter in January 2021 to kick former President Donald Trump off their platforms, SB 7072 purports to move the decision to "de-platform" a candidate out of the hands of the big tech companies and place it in the hands of the end users, Florida citizens, who are free to delete or block any content they wish.

The governor's office promoted the statute not just as one benefiting candidates, but as a populist measure, declaring in a statement, "All Floridians treated unfairly by big tech platforms will have the right to sue companies that violate this law—and win monetary damages. This reform safeguards the rights of every Floridian by requiring social media companies to be transparent about their content moderation practices and give users proper notice of changes to those policies, which prevents Big Tech bureaucrats from 'moving the goalposts' to silence viewpoints they don't like."


The statute calls for the Florida Election Commission to impose fines of $250,000 per day for the de-platforming of candidates for office in Florida, and $25,000 per day for censorship of candidates for offices outside the state.

An Ongoing Court Battle

As things stand now, SB 7072, and the legal challenges that it may inspire in other states, may offer the most explicit defense of candidates and publications seeking to avoid de-platforming, but questions remain as to its legality.

A federal appellate court and a federal trial court have enjoined the statute for violating the First Amendment. When Florida made an appeal to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, the trade association NetChoice, which represents a broad array of leading tech firms and platforms including Google, Twitter, Amazon, Yahoo!, Etsy, and eBay, jumped into the fray with oral arguments in favor of the tech companies' absolute freedom to ban or block content as they see fit.

Chris Sprowls, speaker of the Florida House of Representatives, made the case that the tech firms' platforms "have morphed into the town square" and that it is impossible to preserve free speech as long as a few "technological oligarchs" exercise arbitrary control over what people can say and share online.

But from a First Amendment standpoint, the tech firms may have a point, at least as far as their own right to censor is concerned, Clay Calvert, director of the Marion B. Brechner First Amendment Project at the University of Florida, told The Epoch Times.

"The First Amendment only protects against censorship by government entities and government officials, not censorship by private individuals and businesses. That has always been the case, regardless of the medium of speech. For example: If back in the day a record store didn't want to sell an album you'd produced, that didn't violate your First Amendment right of free speech because the record store was not the government. It was a private business," Calvert said.

"Today, when a social media platform such as Twitter or Facebook kicks a person off their site or removes a post for violating the platform's terms of use or community standards about acceptable content, that doesn't violate the person's First Amendment right of free speech because Twitter and Facebook are private businesses. There is no First Amendment right to have a Twitter or Facebook account," he added.

In an official statement on NetChoice's oral arguments against Florida, counsel Chris Marchese called SB 7072 "rotten top to bottom" and said that the law "violates the Constitution many times over."

Means of Redress

The essence of the companies' defense is that the Florida law gets in the way of the firms' editorial control of content that they bring to the world, Calvert argued, adding that it is quite possible that the case may end up before the Supreme Court.

In the meantime, users who become the victims of de-platforming currently do not have many means of legal redress, Calvert observed. One route they could take is to argue that a platform entered into a legal contract with the user when it established certain terms of service at the time the user joined, and that deleting a post or kicking the user off the platform violates those terms of service, he said. This may be especially true where the terms of service did not explicitly prohibit the content in question or were vague about what content might be actionable under its guidelines. Even so, the outcome may not satisfy the de-platformed user.

"There's likely not much money one could recover unless they could prove an actual monetary loss caused by the removal of a post or de-platforming," Calvert said.

The Antitrust Option

Given the dominance that a few companies hold over online speech and the uncertain fate of Florida's challenge to de-platforming, a more realistic option may be to pursue an antitrust case that might result in a less centralized and more ideologically diverse social media landscape. This would not even necessarily have to happen in the future under a Republican administration, experts say.

"The Biden administration certainly is willing to use antitrust law in the media space. The government's current case in the book publishing industry, targeting the merger of Penguin Random House with Simon & Schuster, is a good example," Calvert said.

But it is important not to underestimate the legal resources at the disposal of the tech firms or the lengths to which they will go to ensure their continued oversight of what speech gets out into the world, he cautioned.

"It definitely is possible that we might see some trust-busting moves against social media companies, but their lobbying efforts to push back against the government will be immense. It would be a long and expensive battle by the government," Calvert added.

Maintaining Perspective

For all the problems afflicting political discourse in the U.S. social media realm, the severity of censorship is still not on par with what exists in other parts of the world, namely China, said Jennifer Pan, a professor of communications at Stanford University.

"We can take the very example of you writing this article. In the United States, you can write the article and an audience will see it. In China, you would not be able to call attention to censorship, or any topics the government wants censored, no matter how hard you tried. You'd be monitored, arrested, intimidated, your outlet banned and fined, your editors arrested, and any and all online presence you have erased," Pan said.

Pan dismisses arguments that democratization and liberalization have improved the climate for freedom of expression in recent years.

"In China today, there is no longer any press independence. During the 2000s, there was a degree of independence, but that has gone away in the past 10 years," Pan said.

Though the United States may not yet have descended to the level of full-blown censorship and repression, Pan pointed to a recent experiment conducted by researchers Yuyu Chen and David Y. Yang over 18 months, and summarized in a January 2018 paper, as an illustration of the dangers facing people who live and work in an environment where access to information about the world is constricted on one pretext or another. In the experiment, college students in China received access to censorship circumvention technology that would permit them to access whatever online content they wished, anywhere in the world. But the outcome was disappointing, Pan said, and suggested that the lack of free access to online content had fostered an assumption that what users were allowed to see and read was a fair representation of what they needed to see and read.

"Few students used the technology, likely because they did not think they would find any additional information in an uncensored environment. That shows the success of government censorship—when people living inside a censored information environment believe that they have access to full information, when they no longer know what it is that they do not know," Pan said.

The Epoch Times has reached out to NetChoice for comment.

Michael Washburn


Michael Washburn is a New York-based reporter who covers U.S. and China-related topics. He has a background in legal and financial journalism, and also writes about arts and culture. Additionally, he is the host of the weekly podcast Reading the Globe. His books include "The Uprooted and Other Stories," "When We're Grownups," and "Stranger, Stranger."

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.

Re: [Rwanda Forum] RDC : un rapport confidentiel de l’ONU apporte des « preuves solides » de l’implication du Rwanda dans l’est

Aliko mwabagabo mwe, ubanza koko mushonje ukuli, ngaho ni mwihembure n'ibyo mu rutete rwa LONI 
iyo rapport le monde yabonye ba nyirubwite batarayibona (n'iyo mu rutete nyine!)

Ibi sibyo bita KUNOKWESHA? cyangwa title ubwayo IRAHAGISHA!

Les autorités de Kinshasa l'attendaient depuis des mois ......VUREMA!?

.....ont « attaqué et délogé les FARDC de leurs positions .....ET RECUPERE LEURS ARMES

....... insistant sur la présence d'un drapeau rwandais sur l'un de leurs uniformes.(harya izo uniformes iza Rusesa-Wilson-Sankara izo uniforme ntizali zizifite?  ko ntabyo nabonye mwibaruwa ifunguye igenewe Anthony Blinken?)

Deux soldats rwandais arrêtés

Il vous reste 68.82% de cet article à lire. La suite est réservée aux abonnés.

Lire aussi : RDC : « Il existe de plus en plus d'indices laissant penser que le M23 bénéficie du soutien rwandais »

Soit mwabaye "abaryankuna", soit "muliyinika" (uwiyimika mwamutwaye ikiraka!)ou les deux

On Thursday, August 4, 2022 at 04:40:24 p.m. EDT, 'Zac Biampa' via Rwanda Forum <rwandaforum@googlegroups.com> wrote:

Triple i de mon c...,
Pourtant quand certains de ces mêmes experts rapportent vos affabulations ou occultent vos crimes ( contre payement !), vous les acclamez jusqu'à les décorer! Quelle logique?!

Le jeudi 4 août 2022 à 21:30:11 UTC+1, 'Jerome Ndiho' via Rwanda Forum <rwandaforum@googlegroups.com> a écrit :

On en a vu de ces rapports de soi-disant experts!

On Thu., 4 Aug. 2022 at 15:50, 'Nzi Nink' via Rwanda Forum
<rwandaforum@googlegroups.com> wrote:
RDC : un rapport confidentiel de l'ONU apporte des « preuves solides » de l'implication du Rwanda dans l'est

RDC : un rapport confidentiel de l'ONU apporte des « preuves solides » de l'implication du Rwanda dans l'est

Selon un rapport du groupe d'experts des Nations unies que « Le Monde » s'est procuré, des soldats rwandais ont participé à des attaques contre les militaires congolais, en soutien aux rebelles du M23.

Pour ne rien manquer de l'actualité africaine, inscrivez-vous à la newsletter du Monde Afrique depuis ce lien. Chaque samedi à 6 heures, retrouvez une semaine d'actualité et de débats traitée par la rédaction du Monde Afrique.

Sur la route près de Kibumba, en République démocratique du Congo, des gens fuient les combats entre les forces congolaises et les rebelles du M23 au Nord-Kivu, le 24 mai 2022. Sur la route près de Kibumba, en République démocratique du Congo, des gens fuient les combats entre les forces congolaises et les rebelles du M23 au Nord-Kivu, le 24 mai 2022. MOSES SAWASAWA / AP

Les autorités de Kinshasa l'attendaient depuis des mois et son contenu s'avère explosif. Le rapport confidentiel du groupe d'experts des Nations unies sur la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), transmis à des Etats membres du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU et que Le Monde s'est procuré jeudi 4 août, accuse l'armée rwandaise d'avoir participé à des attaques contre des militaires congolais et d'avoir équipé et fourni des renforts aux insurgés du Mouvement du 23-Mars (M23). Cette rébellion, née en 2012, a repris les armes contre l'Etat fin 2021 dans l'est de la RDC, le long de la frontière avec le Rwanda.

Les experts de l'ONU, qui ont mené des « inspections sur place » et analysé les « images disponibles », assurent disposer de « preuves solides » démontrant la participation de militaires rwandais à plusieurs attaques perpétrées contre des soldats congolais dans la province du Nord-Kivu, fief du M23, entre novembre 2021 et juillet 2022. « Les FDR [Forces de défense rwandaises], soit unilatéralement, soit conjointement avec des combattants du M23, se sont engagées dans des opérations militaires contre des groupes armés congolais et des positions des FARDC [Forces armées de la RDC] », lit-on dans le document de 29 pages.

Lire aussi : RDC : « Il existe de plus en plus d'indices laissant penser que le M23 bénéficie du soutien rwandais »

Ainsi, dans la région de Kibumba, le 24 mai, « un grand nombre de troupes des FDR marchant en colonnes […] sont entrées en RDC » et ont « attaqué et délogé les FARDC de leurs positions ». Quatorze témoins oculaires interrogés par le panel onusien ont estimé leur nombre entre 900 et 1 000. Le lendemain, les attaques menées conjointement par les militaires rwandais et le M23 se sont poursuivies « contre les camps des FARDC » sur la colline proche de Kibumba. Bilan de ces assauts : 20 militaires congolais tués.

A Bunagana, le 13 juin, un drone a également repéré « environ 200 hommes, tous équipés d'uniformes, d'armes et de sacs à dos similaires ». La légende des clichés aériens joints aux annexes du rapport de l'ONU les présente comme des soldats des FDR, insistant sur la présence d'un drapeau rwandais sur l'un de leurs uniformes. Le même jour, les rebelles du M23 ont repris cette ville stratégique, carrefour commercial du Nord-Kivu, à la frontière avec l'Ouganda et à quelques kilomètres du Rwanda.

Deux soldats rwandais arrêtés

Il vous reste 68.82% de cet article à lire. La suite est réservée aux abonnés.

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.

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[Rwanda Forum] Japanese Surgeon Calls for Suspension of COVID Boosters

"You don't boost against a disease process that a patient has already had. People who have had COVID and been vaccinated, they're still being encouraged to get another booster shot. It makes zero sense from a medical standpoint", said Dr. Angelina Farella, a pediatrician based in Webster, Texas, USA.
Japanese Surgeon Calls for Suspension of COVID Boosters

Japanese Surgeon Calls for Suspension of COVID Boosters

A vial of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and vaccine-filled syringes during a national inoculation campaign against the virus at Chiba East Hospital in Chiba, Japan, on Feb. 19, 2021. (Kazuhiro Nogi/AFP via Getty Images)

In a letter to the peer-reviewed journal Virology, a Japanese cardiovascular surgeon, Dr. Kenji Yamamoto, has called for the discontinuation of COVID-19 booster shots. "As a safety measure, further booster vaccinations should be discontinued," Yamamoto wrote. Among his urgent concerns are the fact that the COVID-19 vaccines have been linked to vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia, which, in some cases, has been lethal to patients.

Yamamoto works at Okamura Memorial Hospital in Shizuoka, Japan. In the letter he explains that he and his colleagues have "encountered cases of infections that are difficult to control," including some that occurred after open-heart surgery and were still not under control after several weeks of treatment with multiple antibiotics.

These patients, says Yamamoto, showed signs of being immunocompromised, and some of them died.

Yamamoto believes their suppressed immune function is likely to have been caused by COVID-19 vaccination.

It is rare for a cardiac surgeon to get involved in government vaccination policy. It is even rarer for a practicing medical doctor to express an opinion like this that flies in the face of the medical status quo in a prestigious medical journal, and for the medical journal itself to publish the opinion.

Angelina Farella, MD: 'It's an All-Out Red Alert'

Other clinicians, too, who have never spoken publicly before are also voicing similar concerns.

"The signals in the best sources we have currently available, which is our VAERS data, have been screaming," said Dr. Angelina Farella, a pediatrician based in Webster, Texas who has expanded her practice into family medicine and has been treating COVID patients when other doctors in her area refused to see them.

"It's an all-out red-alert, about heart disease, deaths, and vaccine injury," said Farella. In over 25 years of practicing medicine, which, Farella said, has included giving vaccinations to children every day, she has never seen such a dangerous vaccine.

In his letter to Virology, Yamamoto cited a Swedish study that quietly reported that eight to nine months after vaccination with two doses, the COVID-19 vaccinated subjects were more likely to get COVID than their unvaccinated controls. The Swedish researchers only included this information in a graph.

But their study lends evidence to the idea that the vaccines may indeed be suppressing immune function.

Vaccine-induced immune disruption is further supported by Israeli and Indian studies that demonstrated an increased likelihood of shingles following COVID vaccination.

Shingles is an extremely painful condition caused by a reactivation of the same virus that causes chickenpox in children. The Israeli study reported a risk ratio of 1.43, meaning that vaccination raised the risk of developing shingles by 43 percent.

People are most susceptible to shingles when their immune systems are suppressed or compromised.

Concerns Over Lipid Nanoparticles

Another Swedish study, published December 2021 in iScience, demonstrated that mRNA encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles, as it is in the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, is highly inflammatory and can account for the fever and body aches frequently reported by those who receive the vaccines.

According to Pfizer's "Nonclinical Overview" of the BioNTech vaccine, these lipid nanoparticles "distribute to" the liver as well as to the spleen, adrenal glands, and ovaries, potentially compromising immune function.

"I have nightmares about lipid nanoparticles," said Dr. Naomi Wolf during a talk she gave at a conference in Ashland, Oregon on Saturday, July 30.

Spike Protein Damaging Endothelial Tissue

The mRNA vaccines recruit cells in the body to produce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Exosomes expressing the spike protein are found circulating in the bloodstream by 14 days after the first dose of vaccine and continue to circulate for more than four months, according to a 2021 research published in the Journal of Immunology, cited by Yamamoto.

Both the spike protein itself and the antibodies produced to neutralize it can damage vascular endothelial tissue.

The endothelium is a thin membrane that lines the inside of blood vessels that carry vital nutrients to all the organs in the body.

Damaging the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels can cause bleeding irregularities with dire consequences.

At the hospital where Dr. Yamamoto practices, they screen people before surgery something called heparin-induced thrombocytopenia antibodies.

Heparin is a drug commonly used to prevent clotting, including during open-heart surgery.

But people exposed to heparin sometimes develop antibodies that attack their own platelets, reducing the available number and, paradoxically, causing platelets to clump together as clots. That's the exact opposite of the desired effect from using heparin.

One of Yamamoto's concerns is that his hospital has seen an unusually high number of positive tests for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) antibodies since COVID vaccination began.

According to a September 2021 letter published in the journal Thrombosis, heparin exposure isn't the only thing that can cause HIT.

In fact, COVID vaccination can cause heparin-induced thrombocytopenia as well.

When this condition follows COVID vaccination, however, it is known as vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT).

VITT can be very dangerous. It is one of the few adverse events that vaccine compensation review boards in various countries have acknowledged to be caused by COVID-19 vaccines.

Although government officials have insisted that vaccine-induced thrombocytic thrombocytopenia is a "rare" reaction, many of its victims have died.

According to Yamamoto, Okamura Memorial Hospital in Shizuoka, Japan has seen several waves of VITT cases since COVID-19 vaccination began.

The increased likelihood of thrombosis, as well as of stubborn infections due to suppressed immune function, are two main reasons Yamamoto argues that doctors must record vaccination status prior to doing any surgeries, including gathering information about the dates of vaccination, and that the COVID-19 booster program must be halted.

Dr. Angelina Farella agrees.

"I think it's absolutely imperative that doctors know when their patients are boosted or vaccinated against COVID-19 using one of the current injections," she said, including finding out which brand a patient has received, as well as the lot number.

Farella said she believes doctors should also be meticulously documenting bad outcomes among their patients and that anecdotal evidence is instructive.

"Five-year-olds dying suddenly is not normal," Farella said. "It's not normal to see very healthy very fit young people dropping dead on playing fields. These are stories that we've never heard before and there's only been one change: vaccine mandates for students, athletes, and health care workers."

It is possible that some of these unexpected and unexplained deaths may be due to undiagnosed issues caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus itself. But, Farella said, she believes it is more likely that catastrophic heart events and unusual blood clotting among young people are being caused by the vaccines, not the virus.

Farella also insisted that many people are getting vaccinated who do not need to be.

"You don't boost against a disease process that a patient has already had. People who have had COVID and been vaccinated, they're still being encouraged to get another booster shot. It makes zero sense from a medical standpoint."

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times. Epoch Health welcomes professional discussion and friendly debate. To submit an opinion piece, please follow these guidelines and submit through our form here.

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.

Re: [Rwanda Forum] RDC : un rapport confidentiel de l’ONU apporte des « preuves solides » de l’implication du Rwanda dans l’est

Triple i de mon c...,
Pourtant quand certains de ces mêmes experts rapportent vos affabulations ou occultent vos crimes ( contre payement !), vous les acclamez jusqu'à les décorer! Quelle logique?!

Le jeudi 4 août 2022 à 21:30:11 UTC+1, 'Jerome Ndiho' via Rwanda Forum <rwandaforum@googlegroups.com> a écrit :

On en a vu de ces rapports de soi-disant experts!

On Thu., 4 Aug. 2022 at 15:50, 'Nzi Nink' via Rwanda Forum
<rwandaforum@googlegroups.com> wrote:
RDC : un rapport confidentiel de l'ONU apporte des « preuves solides » de l'implication du Rwanda dans l'est

RDC : un rapport confidentiel de l'ONU apporte des « preuves solides » de l'implication du Rwanda dans l'est

Selon un rapport du groupe d'experts des Nations unies que « Le Monde » s'est procuré, des soldats rwandais ont participé à des attaques contre les militaires congolais, en soutien aux rebelles du M23.

Pour ne rien manquer de l'actualité africaine, inscrivez-vous à la newsletter du Monde Afrique depuis ce lien. Chaque samedi à 6 heures, retrouvez une semaine d'actualité et de débats traitée par la rédaction du Monde Afrique.

Sur la route près de Kibumba, en République démocratique du Congo, des gens fuient les combats entre les forces congolaises et les rebelles du M23 au Nord-Kivu, le 24 mai 2022. Sur la route près de Kibumba, en République démocratique du Congo, des gens fuient les combats entre les forces congolaises et les rebelles du M23 au Nord-Kivu, le 24 mai 2022. MOSES SAWASAWA / AP

Les autorités de Kinshasa l'attendaient depuis des mois et son contenu s'avère explosif. Le rapport confidentiel du groupe d'experts des Nations unies sur la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), transmis à des Etats membres du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU et que Le Monde s'est procuré jeudi 4 août, accuse l'armée rwandaise d'avoir participé à des attaques contre des militaires congolais et d'avoir équipé et fourni des renforts aux insurgés du Mouvement du 23-Mars (M23). Cette rébellion, née en 2012, a repris les armes contre l'Etat fin 2021 dans l'est de la RDC, le long de la frontière avec le Rwanda.

Les experts de l'ONU, qui ont mené des « inspections sur place » et analysé les « images disponibles », assurent disposer de « preuves solides » démontrant la participation de militaires rwandais à plusieurs attaques perpétrées contre des soldats congolais dans la province du Nord-Kivu, fief du M23, entre novembre 2021 et juillet 2022. « Les FDR [Forces de défense rwandaises], soit unilatéralement, soit conjointement avec des combattants du M23, se sont engagées dans des opérations militaires contre des groupes armés congolais et des positions des FARDC [Forces armées de la RDC] », lit-on dans le document de 29 pages.

Lire aussi : RDC : « Il existe de plus en plus d'indices laissant penser que le M23 bénéficie du soutien rwandais »

Ainsi, dans la région de Kibumba, le 24 mai, « un grand nombre de troupes des FDR marchant en colonnes […] sont entrées en RDC » et ont « attaqué et délogé les FARDC de leurs positions ». Quatorze témoins oculaires interrogés par le panel onusien ont estimé leur nombre entre 900 et 1 000. Le lendemain, les attaques menées conjointement par les militaires rwandais et le M23 se sont poursuivies « contre les camps des FARDC » sur la colline proche de Kibumba. Bilan de ces assauts : 20 militaires congolais tués.

A Bunagana, le 13 juin, un drone a également repéré « environ 200 hommes, tous équipés d'uniformes, d'armes et de sacs à dos similaires ». La légende des clichés aériens joints aux annexes du rapport de l'ONU les présente comme des soldats des FDR, insistant sur la présence d'un drapeau rwandais sur l'un de leurs uniformes. Le même jour, les rebelles du M23 ont repris cette ville stratégique, carrefour commercial du Nord-Kivu, à la frontière avec l'Ouganda et à quelques kilomètres du Rwanda.

Deux soldats rwandais arrêtés

Il vous reste 68.82% de cet article à lire. La suite est réservée aux abonnés.

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.

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[Rwanda Forum] Re: Police Discover Skull Inside Nairobi-bound Bus from Rwanda

Muri Bus ya compagnie yitwa TRINITY yari ivuye i Kigali igiye I Nairobi umunyarwanda yafatanywe ibihanga bitatu by'abantu ku mupaka wa K...

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